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“目脑纵戈” Munao Zongge Carnival “泼水节” Songkran Festival “三沟通” “ three communications” “三月节”March Festival “三自革新”(自传、自治、自养)Three-self Patriotic Movement (self-governance, self-support, and self-propagation) 《关于促进边境贸易发展有关财税政策的通知》(财关税[2008]90号) Notice on the Relevant Fiscal and Tax Policies on Promoting the Development of Border Trade(No.90 [2008] of the Ministry of Finance) 2012中国德宏瑞丽泼水节暨首届红木文化节:2012 China Dehong Ruili Songkran Festival and the first ahogany Cultural Festival 阿昌族Achang 安居乐业、休养生子Live and work in peace and contentment; rest and raise children 八莫 Bhamo 保卫祖国 defend our motherland 本科高校 undergraduate universities 碧差汶Phetchbun 边疆地区: border areas 边境沿线 along the border 边民互市:Border trade 边民互市通道 the channel of theorder trade 布朗族Blang 布依族Bouyei 踩花山节:Flower Festival 藏缅语族、壮侗语族、孟高棉语族和苗瑶语族language families/branches of the Tibeto-Burman, Zhuang Dong, Mon-Khmer and Miao-Yao 成人教育 adult education 川圹Xiengkhuang 达府Tak 大理:Dali 傣族: Dai 掸邦Shan State 掸族 Shan 德昂族Deang 敌对势力?hostile?forces 东盟10+3文化合作框架The ASEAN 10+3 Cultural Cooperation Framework he 10 ASEAN nations plus China, Japan and ROK) 东盟—中日韩(10+3)文化部长会议 Meeting of the ASEAN Ministers Responsible for Culture and Arts (AMCA) and the AMCA Plus Three (AMCA+3) 毒品犯罪集团化、职业化Drug crime collectivization and professionalism 独龙族Drung 对口援建省份 counterpart construction aid provinces 对越自卫反击作战 defensive counter-attack fighting against Vietnam 二类口岸second class ports 非法居留人员overstayers 非法迁居llegal move 非法入境、非法居留、非法就业llegal immigration, illegal residence, illegal employment 非法同居llegal cohabitation 丰沙里Phongsali 扶贫攻坚 poverty relief program 贵开 Guikai 国家非物质文化遗产名录national nonmaterial cultural heritage 国家一类口岸the national first class ports 国情调研组: National conditions research group 果敢地区the Kokang region 哈尼族Hani 回族 Hui 会晒Ban Houayxay 基础教育: education 基础免费教育 free elementary education 解放liberation 金三角Golden Triangle 浸礼会 Baptist Church 经济辐射效应:Economic radiation effects 景洪Jinghong 景颇族Jingpo 克木人Khmu 克钦邦Kachin State 跨国躲生 跨国犯罪活动transnational?crime


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