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全文共12页,约15,000字 目 录 绪论……………………………………………………………………………………(1) 一 品牌与品牌战略的意义………………………………………………………………(1) (一) 品牌的意义意义)))(一)(三)(四) (七) 品牌战略的建立、实施与管理必须依靠优秀团队 ………………………(7) (八) 发掘企业文化内涵 …………………………………………………………(7) (九) 品牌必须附着于企业高标准的经营行为上 ………………………………(7) 参考文献 …………………………………………………………………………………(9) 浅谈中国本土品牌战略 摘 要 当前,随着新时代的来临,市场环境发生了极大的变化,品牌己成为占领市场的重要工具。随着人民生活水平的提高,品牌的重要性越来越大。在经济全球化的今天,的企业要在全球范围的竞争中生存下去,必须在战略的高度上重视品牌战略,国内很多企业在品牌经营上仍有很多问题,存在着许多重大失误,如宣传策略不当、合资或联营不当、缺乏创新、丧失特色、规模过小等。如今中国市场品牌水平还处于初级阶段,很多国内的品牌可能一度名噪一时,但能够维持长久地位的却是少数,缺少“世界级”的品牌。本文在对品牌战略相关基本概念解析的基础上分析了我国企业实施品牌战略的,针对我国企业在实施品牌战略中存在的问题提出了相关对策。品牌战略竞争力对策http://经管论文.com/ 经济管理类必威体育精装版最热门书籍请访问芝麻读书网:/ On Chinas domestic brand strategy Abstract At present, with the advent of the new economy time, the market environment has undergone great changes, the brand has become an important tool to market. With the peoples living standards improve, the importance of more and more big brands. In the economic globalization, Chinese enterprises have to compete globally to survive, must be high on the strategic importance of brand strategy, internal brand management at a lot of enterprises are still on a lot of questions, there is a lot of major mistakes, such as publicity inappropriate strategies, joint ventures or associates misconduct, lack of innovation, the loss of features, such as too small scale. Today, the brand development of Chinese market is still in its early stages, probably a lot of domestic brand was reputable, but be able to maintain a long position is one of the few, the lack of world class brands. This article related to the basic concepts of brand strategy based on analytical analysis of the Chinese enterprises the status of the implementation of brand strategy for Chinas enterprises in the implementation of brand strategy issues that exist in the relevant countermeasures. 【Key words】BrandStrategy Countermeasures Competitiveness 更多原创经管论文及英文文献与翻译请访问:http://经管论文.com/ 经济管理类必威体育精装版最热门书籍请访问芝麻读书网:/ 绪论 企业间的竞争将不仅仅是国内企业间的竞争,而是更大范围的竞争,


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