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PAGE PAGE 8 中国城市污水处理厂脱氮除磷工艺的应用与运行现状 王秀蘅,李楠,任南琪,张坤 ( 哈尔滨工业大学环境生物技术研究中心 哈尔滨 150090) 摘 要: 介绍了中国河流湖泊海洋的氮磷污染现状、来源、程度,国家控制水体氮磷污染的水环境标准,城市污水的水质现状和提升污水处理厂脱氮除磷能力的紧迫性。综述了中国现有污水处理厂的发展概况,传统的脱氮除磷工艺如A/O、A2/O、氧化沟和 SBR 工艺,近年来发展的SBR变型工艺如DAT-IAT、CASS、CAST,引进技术如 UNITANK、BIOLAK和中国特有的工艺倒置 A2/O,改进AB工艺在中国污水处理厂的应用。通过对国内一些已投入运行的污水厂的脱氮除磷运行现状分析和总结,为今后城市污水处理厂进行脱氮除磷工艺设计和运行提供参考。 关键词: 氮磷污染;城市污水处理厂;运行;脱氮;除磷 Biological Nutrient Removal of WWTP in China Xiuheng Wang*,Nan Li, Nanqi Ren*,Kun Zhang (Research Center of Environment Biotechnology,Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin,150090, P R China) Abstract: With the advancement of civilization and increase of water environment pollution, the requirement for the wastewater treatment become stringent year by year in China. The removal of nutrient, such as nitrogen and phosphorus from wastewater, has become important due to new government regulations aimed at reducing the impact of these nutrients on environmental ecosystem. The current situation of water ecosystem pollution, urban wastewater characteristics, government regulation on nutrients in China is introduced. Information is presented on the biological nutrient removal technology application in China for the treatment of municipal wastewaters by reviewing the design and operation of WWTP. Common applications are the use of oxidation ditch,A/O、A2/O and SBR process. New developments of the SBR processes, such as DAT-IAT, CASS, CAST, UNITANK,BIOLAK and the reverse A2/O process, the modified AB process initiated in China are highly promising for nutrient removal. These processes are described in this paper in term of the application; the stage of development and future research needs particular to China. Key words: WWTP; BNR; Wastewater Treatment; Nitrogen; Phosphorus; Operation 随着中国经济飞速发展,污水量增加,水体污染加剧。污水处理厂的规划与建设正在紧锣密鼓的进行。1995年,我国建成城市污水处理厂169座,其中二级生化处理厂116座,年处理污水17.49亿m3,处理率8.69%[1]。2000年,全国城市污水排放量21亿吨,COD总量740万吨,已建设城市污水处理厂427座,其中二级处理厂282座,城市污水的处理率仅为18.6%,二级处理率约为15%[2]。根据2002年的调研结果,我国现有城市污水处理厂


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