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湖北省外来入侵生物发生概况 喻大昭( 万鹏 李儒海 褚世海 常向前 武怀恒 黄民松 (农作物病大病虫草害防控湖北省重点实验室/湖北省农科院植保土肥所,武汉 430064) 163种。其中微生物14种3种,陆生101种,水生无脊椎动物2种,陆生无脊椎动物1种两栖爬行类种,鱼类8种,哺乳类5种隶属于菊科的最多32种),占总数的30.8%;隶属于禾本科的其次11种;隶属3位(10种)。外来入侵物种侵入湖北省的主要途径有两类:一类是有目的引进,第二类是无意引入;并且从20世纪80年代起,数量呈逐年增多的趋势。本文还研究了湖北省外来入侵物种数与该省的GDP、入境旅游人数、进出口总额和交通密度之间的关系,并就外来入侵生物的风险评估、监管及防控进行了探讨。 关键词 湖北省 外来入侵生物 发生概况 A Survey of Alien Invasive Species in Hubei Province Peng Wan, Ruhai Li, Dazhao Yu*, Shihai Chu, Xiangqian Chang, Huaiheng Wu, Minsong Huang (Hubei Key Laboratory of Crop Diseases, Insect Pests and Weeds Control/Institute of Plant Protection and Soil Science, Hubei Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Wuhan 430064, China) Abstract The results showed that there were 163 alien invasive species in Hubei Province, including plant pathogens (14), aquatic weeds (3), terraneous weeds (101), aquatic invertebrates (2), terraneous invertebrates (17), amphibious reptiles (3), fishes (18) and mammalia (5). Among the invasive weeds, weeds belonging to Asteraceae (32) ranked the first, accounting for 30.8% of the tatal; weeds belonging to Poaceae (11) and Leguminosae (10) ranked the second and third, respectively. There were two types of invasion of alien species into Hubei Province: purposive and inadvertent species introduction. The number of alien invasive species rose year by year after 1980s. The results also showed that the number of alien invasive species was positively correlated with the GDP, number of incoming passengers, total import and export, and density of traffic in Hubei Province. We also discussed taking foreceful measures to prevent and control invasive species, enhancing supervision and risk assessment on species introduction. Key Words Hubei Province, alien invasive species, survey 外来入侵生物是指对生态系统、栖境、物种、人类健康带来威胁的外来物种,包括植物、动物和微生物(万方浩等,200生物入侵是指生物由地经自然的或人为的途径侵入到另一个新的环境,对入侵地的生物多样性、农林牧渔业生产以及人类健康造成经济损失或生态灾难的过程。我国是全球受外来生物入侵影响最大的国家之一。截至2009年的,入侵我国的外来入侵生物共有520余种;而在世界自然保护联盟公布的100种最具威胁的外来物种中,我国就有50种。这些外来入侵生物对我国的生物多样性和遗传资源保护构成了极大的威



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