
阳光丽景居住小区规划资源环境与城乡规划管理 毕业设计 设计说明书.doc

阳光丽景居住小区规划资源环境与城乡规划管理 毕业设计 设计说明书.doc

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阳光丽景居住小区规划资源环境与城乡规划管理 毕业设计 设计说明书

阳光丽景居住小区规划设计 说 明 书 阳光丽景居住小区规划设计说明书 摘 要 居住小区规划是城市设计的延续,它受到城市文脉和地域的制约。在居住小区设计中,要积极推进“以人为核心”的设计观念和“可持续发展”方针,注重生态环境效益。设计者在规划设计上要有创新,不能拘泥于教条。通过创新规划设计,创造出具有地方特色并与周围环境协调,适合人们居住心理的居住小区。 本次设计充分考虑到以上几点,融入了一些先进理念,借鉴了其它小区优秀设计成果,对阳光丽景小区进行了总平面设计,并对小区的交通、结构、绿化景观进行了分析。由于时间和精力有限,仅对给排水,供热,环卫,防灾等方面进行了简要设想。此次设计具有一定得现实可行性,希望能对拟规划小区的具体建设过程提供指导和参考。 关键词:居住小区;以人为本;规划设计;交通规划;绿化景观规划 Instruction on Planning and Design of Sunshine Beautiful Scenery Residential Area Abstract Residential area planning is the continuity of urban design,which is restricted by city context and city region. The design concept of “people-oriented” and the policy of “sustainable development” must be pushed ahead actively.Meanwhile eco-environmental benefits should be payed more atattion to .in residential area planning.Planner should not rigidly adhere to the doctrine but has his own innovation in planning.After a innovative planning and design a residential area with local color ,which is in harmony with the surrounding environment and suitable for people’s living psychological will be created. The design fully takes the above points in to account, absorbs some advanced concepts, and learns the excellent designs of the other neighborhoods. Besides, it makes a total graphic design for Sunshine Beautiful Scenery residential area, and analyzes its transportation, structures, and landscaping. As result of the limitation of time and energy, the design only makes a simple imagination for water supply, heat supply, sanitation and disaster prevention and so on. This design is feasible and practical. And we expect more guidance and reference on the concrete building process of the residence zone. Keywords: residential area;people-oriented ;planning and design;transportation planning;green Landscape planning 摘 要 i Abstract ii 目 录 I 前 言 1 1.概述 2 1.1 地理位置 2 1.2 区位分析 2 2.总则 4 2.1 规划依据 4 2.2 规划原则 4 2.2.1 主体以规范为依据,小方面增加灵活性 4 2.2.2 树立辨证的观点 4 2.2.3 树立以人为本的观点 5 2.2.4 树立可持续发展的观点 5 2.3 规划目标 5 2.3.1 打造宜居典范 5 2.3.2 多层为主



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