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doi: 10.3969/j.issn.2095-1744.2016.01.009 江西崇义钨矿石工艺矿物学特征 周贺鹏11,李运强1,王鹏程1,李 涛1 (1.江西理工大学,江西 赣州 3410002.江西省矿业工程重点实验室,) 摘 要:能收早收,能丢早丢的原则,关键词:;中图分类号: 文献标志码:A 文章编号:2095-1744(201)01-0000-00 Process Mineralogy Characteristic of Tungsten Ore in Chongyi of Jiangxi ZHOU He-peng1,2, WANG Jin-qing1, LI Yun-qiang1, WANG Peng-cheng1, LI Tao1 (1.Faculty of Resource and Environmental Engineering, Jiangxi University of Science and Technology, Ganzhou, Jiangxi 341000, China; 2.Jiangxi Key Laboratory of Mining Engineering, Ganzhou, Jiangxi 341000, China) Abstract: The process mineralogy characteristics of the tungsten polymetallic ore resources in Chongyi of Jiangxi is investigated. The results show that the ore mineral composition is complex and various minerals are associated. The tungsten minerals are mainly in the form of wolframite output and a small amount in the form of scheelite, and the other elements such as tin, copper, lead, zinc, sulfur, silver are with a low content, so the associated recovery is considered. Due to the complexity of mineral embedded characteristics, uneven dissemination size, different monomer dissociation and complicated property of the gangue minerals containing calcium, floatability close to the tungsten mineral, easy to be over crushed and mud, in accordance with the principle of “recovery and lost as early as possible”, the “gravity-flotation” combined technology will be used as the main process, and the “stage grinding-stage separation” characteristic will be adequately considered for the recovery flowsheet. Key words: tungsten ore; process mineralogy; dissemination size; embedded characteristic 目前,我国具有工业价值的钨矿床类型主要有石英大脉型钨矿床、石英细脉型钨矿床、矽卡岩型钨矿床和细脉浸染型钨矿床,这些钨矿床中矿物组成复杂、种类繁多,矿石品位变化较大,矿物嵌布特征较为复杂,因此针对此类钨矿床产出的钨及伴生金属矿物的特点,开展详细的工艺矿物学研究,对实现有价金属资源的高效综合回收具有重要意义。江西崇义钨多金属矿矿区范围2 km2,开采地理条件便利。矿床类型为岩浆后期高温热液裂隙充填矿床年采选综合能力为30万、钨精矿1 040 t的生产规模矿石1所示。 表1矿石化学成分 Table 1 Chemical composition of ore /% 成分 WO3 Cu Pb Zn Fe S Al2O3 SiO2 含量 0.31 0.12 0.16 0.46 5.37 1.08 6.3


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