
黑格尔《小逻辑》英文版Hegel’s Shorter Logic.docx

黑格尔《小逻辑》英文版Hegel’s Shorter Logic.docx

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黑格尔《小逻辑》英文版Hegel’s Shorter Logic

Hegel’s Shorter Logic I. Introduction §1 Philosophy misses an advantage enjoyed by the other sciences. It cannot like them rest the existence of its objects on the natural admissions of consciousness, nor can it assume that its method of  HYPERLINK /glossary/terms/c/o.htm \l cognition cognition, either for starting or for continuing, is one already accepted. The objects of philosophy, it is true, are upon the whole the same as those of  HYPERLINK /glossary/terms/r/e.htm \l religion religion. In both the object is Truth, in that supreme sense in which  HYPERLINK /glossary/terms/g/o.htm \l god God and God only is the  HYPERLINK /glossary/terms/t/r.htm \l truth Truth. Both in like manner go on to treat of the  HYPERLINK /glossary/terms/f/i.htm \l finite finite worlds of  HYPERLINK /glossary/terms/n/a.htm \l nature Nature and the human  HYPERLINK /glossary/terms/m/i.htm \l mind Mind, with their relation to each other and to their truth in God. Some acquaintance with its objects, therefore, philosophy may and even must presume, that and a certain interest in them to boot, were it for no other reason than this: that in point of time the mind makes general images of objects, long before it makes  HYPERLINK /glossary/terms/n/o.htm \l notion notions of them, and that it is only through these mental images, and by recourse to them, that the thinking mind rises to know and comprehend thinkingly. But with the rise of this thinking study of things, it soon becomes evident that thought will be satisfied with nothing short of showing the  HYPERLINK /glossary/terms/n/e.htm \l necessity necessity of its facts, of demonstrating the existence of its objects, as well as their nature and qualities. Our original acquaintance with them is thus discovered to be inadequate. We can assume nothing and assert nothing  HYPERLINK /glossary/terms/d/o.htm \l dogmatism dogmatically; nor can we accept the assertions and assumptions of others. And yet we must make a beg


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