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Home Search Collections Journals About Contact us My IOPscience Linear Spectral Mixture Analysis of SPOT-7 for Tea Yield Estimation in Pagilaran Estate, Batang Central Java This content has been downloaded from IOPscience. Please scroll down to see the full text. 2016 IOP Conf. Ser.: Earth Environ. Sci. 47 012034 (/1755-1315/47/1/012034) View the table of contents for this issue, or go to the journal homepage for more Download details: IP Address: 03 This content was downloaded on 16/05/2017 at 00:55 Please note that terms and conditions apply. You may also be interested in: Linear spectral mixture analysis with the Open Leontief Input-Output Model Zhu Lijiang Suitability of CASI and ATM airborne remote sensing data for archaeological subsurface structure detection S Pascucci, R M Cavalli, A Palombo et al. Reducing the matrix effects in chemical analysis: fusion of isotope dilution and standard addition methods Enea Pagliano and Juris Meija Relating variation of dust on snow to bare soil dynamics in the western United States Junran Li, Gregory S Okin, S McKenzie Skiles et al. Mechanics of aligned carbon nanotube polymer matrix nanocomposites simulated via stochastic three-dimensional morphology Itai Y Stein and Brian L Wardle Selective control of molecular rotation Sharly Fleischer, I Sh Averbukh and Yehiam Prior Urban heat island impacts on plant phenology: intra-urban variability and response to land cover Samuel C Zipper, Jason Schatz, Aditya Singh et al. Modeling the performance limits of novel microcantilever heaters for volatile organic compound detection Ifat Jahangir and Goutam Koley 2nd International Conference of Indonesian Society f


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