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BLUEFIN TUNA STATISTICAL DOCUMENT INSTRUCTION SHEET Pursuant to the 1992 ICCAT Recommendations, bluefin tuna dealers who import bluefin tuna into the territory of an ICCAT Contracting Party or at the first entry into a regional economic organization, will be required to complete the appropriate sections of the Document. Only complete and valid documents will guarantee that shipments of bluefin tuna will be allowed to enter the territory of Contracting Parties. Shipments of bluefin tuna that are accompanied by improperly documented Bluefin Tuna Statistical Documents (i.e., improperly documented means that the Bluefin Tuna Statistical Documents is either missing from the shipment, incomplete, invalid or falsified) will be considered illegitimate shipments of bluefin tuna, that are contrary to ICCAT conservation efforts, and their entry will be suspended (PENDING RECEIPT OF A PROPERLY COMPLETED DOCUMENT) into the territory of a Contracting Party or subject to administrative or other sanction. Please use this Instruction Sheet as a guideline to complete that section of the Bluefin Tuna Statistical Document that applies to Exporters, Importers, and Government Validation. If a language other than English is used in completing the form, please add the English translation on the Document. NOTE: IF A BLUEFIN TUNA PRODUCT IS EXPORTED DIRECTLY TO JAPAN, WITHOUT FIRST GOING THROUGH AN INTERMEDIATE COUNTRY, ALL FISH CAN BE IDENTIFIED ON ONE DOCUMENT. HOWEVER, IF THE BLUEFIN TUNA PRODUCT IS EXPORTED THROUGH AN INTERMEDIATE COUNTRY (i.e. A COUNTRY OTHER THAN THE COUNTRY WHICH IS THE FINAL DESTINATION OF THE PRODUCT), SEPARATE DOCUMENTS MUST BE PREPARED FOR DIFFERENT FINAL DESTINATIONS OR EACH FISH MAY BE ACCOMPANIED BY A SEPARATE DOCUMENT TO IDENTIFY ANY POSSIBLE SEPARATION OF SHIPMENTS BY AN INTERMEDIATE COUNTRY. THE IMPORT OF FISH PARTS OTHER THAN THE MEAT, i.e., HEAD, EYES, ROE, GUTS, TAILS MAY BE ALLOWED WITHOUT THE DOCUMENT. INSTRUCTIONS DOCUMENT NUMBER: Block


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