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落石冲击力 impact force of falling stone 隧道埋置深度;埋深 buried depth of tunnel 地温梯度 geothermal dradient 地应力 crustal stress 预留变形量 deformation allowance 暗挖法 subsurface excavation method 明挖法 open-cut method 矿山法 mining method; mine tunneling method 钻眼爆破法 drilling and blasting method 新奥法 New Austrian Tunnelling Method; NATM 喷锚构筑法 shotcrete-bolt construction method 掘进机法 tunnel boring machine method 盾构法 shield method 沉管法 immersed tunnelling method 地下连续墙法 underground diaphragm wall method; underground wall method; diaphragm wall method 全断面开挖法 full-face tunnelling method 分部开挖法 partial excavation method 台阶法 benching tunnelling method 正台阶法 positive benching tunnelling method 反台阶法 negative benching tunnelling method 导坑 heading 上下导坑法 top and bottom heading method 上导坑法 top-heading method 漏斗棚架法 hopper-shed support tunnelling method 蘑菇形开挖法 mushroom-type tunnelling method 侧壁导坑法 side heading method 单侧导坑法 single side heading method 双侧导坑法 twin-side heading method 品字形导坑法 top and twin-side bottom heading method 眼睛式开挖法 spectacles type tunnelling method 超前导坑 advance heading 扩大 enlargement 拉槽 pull trough; trench excavated 马口 excavation of side wall at intervals 控制爆破 controlled blasting 光面爆破 smooth blasting 预裂爆破 presplit blasting 先墙后拱法 side wall first lining method 先拱后墙法 arch first lining method; flying arch method 开挖工作面 excavated surface; excavated work face 超挖 overbreak 欠挖 underbreak 找顶 top cleaning 出碴 mucking and removing 有轨运输 track transportation 无规运输 trackless transportation 拱圈封顶 closing the toop of lining 墙顶封口 seal; seal at the top of wall 喷射混凝土回弹 rebound of shotcrete 隧道贯通 tunnel holing-through 隧道贯通误差 tunnel through error 隧道贯通面 tunnel through plane 临时支护 temporary support 构件支撑 member support 钢拱支撑 steel arch support 喷射混凝土支护 shotcrete support 锚杆支护 anchor bolt support 喷锚支护 shotcrete and rock bolt support 系统锚杆 system anchor bolt 超前支护 advance support 超前锚杆 advance anchor bolt 插板支护 in


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