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Chapter 36 - Servlets: Bonus for Java? Developers Objectives In this lesson, you will learn: To execute servlets with the Apache Tomcat server. To be able to respond to HTTP requests from an HttpServlet. To be able to redirect requests to static and dynamic Web resources. 36.1 Introduction Java networking capabilities Socket-based and packet-based communications Package Remote Method Invocation (RMI) Package java.rmi Servlets and Java Server Pages (JSP) Request-response model Packages javax.servlet javax.servlet.http javax.servlet.jsp javax.servlet.tagext Form the Web tier of J2EE 36.1 Introduction (Cont.) Servlets Thin clients Request/response mechanism redirection Tomcat Jakarta project Official reference implementation of the JSP and servlet standards 36.2 Servlet Overview and Architecture Servlet container (servlet engine) Server that executes a servlet Web servers and application servers Sun ONE Application Server Microsoft’s Internet Information Server (IIS) Apache HTTP Server BEA’s WebLogic Application Server IBM’s WebSphere Application Server World Wide Web Consortium’s Jigsaw Web Server 36.2.1 Interface Servlet and the Servlet Life Cycle Interface Servlet All servlets must implement this interface All methods of interface Servlet are invoked by servlet container Servlet life cycle Servlet container invokes the servlet’s init method Servlet’s service method handles requests Servlet’s destroy method releases servlet resources when the servlet container terminates the servlet Servlet implementation GenericServlet HttpServlet 36.2.1 Interface Servlet and the Servlet Life Cycle (Cont.) 36.2.2 HttpServlet Class Overrides method service Two most common HTTP request types get requests post requests Method doGet responds to get requests Method doPost responds to post requests HttpServletRequest and HttpServletResponse objects 36.2.2 HttpServlet Class (Cont.) 36.2.3 HttpServletRequest Interface Web server creates an HttpServletRequest object passe


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