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Gre-nada views - page 4 VOL XVlll, NO. 46 tlu: im.kpcmknt ~tlllknt nt·w~papcr ~lTYing notn dame and -.aint mary·-. MONDAY, NOVEMBER 7,1983 Commen~cement ticket allotment: drops by one By MIRIAM HILL seats are reserved for guests of News Staff graduating seniors. I 50 tickets are reserved for Trustees and guests of Students in the graduating class of persons receiving honorary degrees. I984 will receive four guest tickets, If the record I ,800 persons who rather than the five they have are eligible for baccalaureate received in the past. If seniors want degrees in I984 each used five guest to get five guest tickets, they can tickets, and the 500 advanced stu- sign up for a lottery to be held before dents used the four guest tickets Thanksgiving. they are eligible for, there would not This change was needed, says Sis· be room in the ACC for them all. ter John Miriam Jones, assistant Jones decided to hold a lottery be- provost and chairman of the lJniver· cause she felt it was the only fair way sitys Commencement Committee, to distribute the remaining tickets. because this years graduating class The last time a lottery for com- is larger than any previous clas~. mencement tickets took place was The 800 to 900 tickets which will in I976. Conklin believes from now remain will be put into a lc ttery on seniors will receive four tickets, which any senior wanti


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