Where is my new cap.doc

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Where is my new cap

湖南省小学英语教学设计模板(示例一) 授课教师姓名: 学校(通信地址): 邮编: 电子邮件: 学科 小学英语 课题 Where is my new cap? 教材出版社 湖南少儿出版社 年级 四年级下册第一单元 课型 任务型巩固拓展课 教学 内容 1. Teaching materials 教材中的对话 Peter: Where is my blue shirt, Mummy? Mummy: It is in the cupboard. Peter: Where are my brown shoes, Mummy? Mummy: They are under your chair. Peter: Where is my new coat, Mummy? Mummy: Your new coat is on the bed. Peter: Where is my new cap, Mummy? Mummy: Your new cap is on your head. 2. 设计学案:1)听写:对上节课的单词和句型进行检测,让学生养成复习的好习惯;2)拓展:提供新的阅读学习材料“Tidy up Peter’s room”,训练他们的阅读技能,考察学生的理解能力及对介词的掌握程度,加深学生印象并为面的情景交际做准备可供使用的对话参考句型 教学 目标 1.Knowledge Objectives:①?Be able to use the spatial prepositions “on, in, under, behind, in front of” to describe the positions of the objects correctly. Be able to ask and answer where sth is by using the sentences: “Where is/are my …?” “It’s/They’re…”2.Competence Objectives: Be able to use the prepositons to express the spatial relationship of the objects. 3.Emotion Objectives:Be able to know that keeping things tidy is a good habit. 任务型巩固拓展课在第一课时新授课里教师已经让学生整体感知了A部分的对话并处理了B部分的单词(a pair of shoes /a cupboard /glasses /a new cap /behind)的听、说、读的问题,学生对名词的数与句型Where is/Where are…?的搭配问题有了初步的印象,为本课时做好了铺垫。 The second period Teaching Learning procedures: Step 1 Warming up and revision 1. An English song—“Where is Peter?” 【学习内容】复习Where-…?句型。 【学习方式】唱英语歌曲。 【设计意图】以歌曲活跃气氛使孩子们带着一种愉快的心情进入新的学习,教师板书要复习的句型。 2. A game “Where is the ball?” T: Now, let’s play a game. Look carefully. Where is the ball? S1: Where is the ball? Ss: It’s on the table. S2: Where is the ball? Ss: It’s under the chair. S3:… 【学习内容】复习on, in, under, in front of, behind等介词 【学习方式】英语游戏。派学生代表上台用鼠标点击球,球弹到一个具体位置后,学生代表提问Where is the ball?其他同学回答。 【设计意图】通过游戏调动学生的多种感官来复习方位介词,巩固介词的音,为后面的学习做铺垫。 3. Asking and answering T: Now, look at the pictures and choose the right sentences quickly. (CAI) 【学习内容】复习名词的数与Where is/Where are…?和 It’s… /They’re…【学习方式】学生看图句型搭配,用Where is/are… It’s/They’re…展开问答。 【设计意图】要学生以问答的方式进


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