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MSc / Postgraduate Diploma in Teaching English Language in University Settings (TELUS) Overview This innovative two-year part-time course offers a cutting-edge introduction to the knowledge about language and pedagogy needed for teaching English language in higher education. It is characterised by intense online interaction and feedback, using a range of communication media. Its small-group teaching format pursues the Oxford tradition of demanding much of students and giving them much in return. Students follow a taught programme of two informally assessed residential modules and eight formally assessed distance modules, in the periods between July and April for two successive years. The distance modules are assessed via take-home examinations based on content delivered during term. No work is required between April and July of the first year, but students are encouraged to prepare their dissertation project during this time, with light- touch help from the course tutor. During the taught portion of the course, students are not affiliated to an Oxford college. Students who progress to the MSc matriculate at Linacre College in late spring of their second year, and normally complete their dissertation by the end of August. Students may choose to opt for a Postgraduate Diploma on successful completion of the taught portion of the course, rather than applying for progression to the MSc. The course recruits worldwide among teachers of English as a second or foreign language in university settings, and among teachers who wish to teach in these settings (these teachers might, for example be teaching or aspiring to teach English for academic purposes in the increasing number of English-medium university-level institutions in non- English- speaking countries o


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