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Part I: Course and Instructor information Semester-Day-Time: Fall 2011- T 2:30-5:25 Course name: Curriculum and Instruction for Secondary Schools Course number: NJIT ESTS336 (RU-N 21:300:388) Location: Kupfrian 110 Instructor: James M. Lipuma Joelle J. Tutela Office Hours: MT 12-2:30 and by appointment Email Lipuma@ and jtutela@ Part II: Course description Description of course: This course will introduce teacher candidates to the concept of curriculum, how it has been developed throughout the 20th and 21st centuries in the United States and how it will influence their classroom practice. ). Particular attention will be paid to the ways in which the larger social and political developments have influenced the curriculum of specific disciplines since World War II in America. Several topics will be explored including: Guidance documents at the national, state and local level, tensions between the overt, covert and hidden curricula, use of resources to enact and augment the curriculum, the need for interdisciplinary instruction, differentiated instruction, special education, and the integration of assessment into curriculum planning and implementation. This course will include a 20 hour Field Component of Tutoring at Newark Collegiate academy. There are 8 objectives for this course: Describe and analyze the foundations curriculum Describe various stakeholders of Curriculum and understand Covert, Overt and Hidden Curricula Define the various philosophical thoughts that guide Curriculum in the United States Create a time-line of the History of Curriculum in the US Apply various standards in the creation of a Lesson Dossier Standards from national, state, and local levels will be summarized and compared Interstate Teacher Assessment and Support Consortium (INTASC), Special Professional Associations National Common Core State Standards (CCSS), the New Jersey Core Content Curriculum Standards (NJCCCS), New Jersey Professional Standards for Teachers (NJPST)


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