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pep五(上)Unit 3 A Let’s talk Let’s try Good to know教学设计 英语 五年级 一课时 提供者: 泾县城关二小 一、教学内容分析 ?本课是pep五年级上册第三单元A部分第二课时,主要让学生在学习What would you like for lunch?及答句的基础上,学习What do you have for lunch?及答句的运用。该句型又与第一单元学过的句型What do you have on Mondays?有关联之处,这几个句型与学生的学习和生活息息相关,掌握好它们的用法能帮助学生学会在生活中运用好英语。 二、教学目标 ?1. 能听懂会说:What do you have for lunch today? I have ….并能在情景中进行运用。 2. 能听懂提示语,按照Let’s try的录音内容盘点单两张配图的正误。 能够了解中国一些传统食物所蕴含的文化,了解中西方饮食文化差异。 三、学习者特征分析 ?五年级学生已积累一定的英语词汇量,掌握一些英语学习技巧,并且大多数学生对英语依然有着浓厚的兴趣。所以在本课教学中,我继续以学生为主体,充分发挥学生的自主学习能力,引导和帮助学生在探究中学会运用重点句型。结合学生好动的天性,我适当穿插游戏,练习,角色扮演等活动形式,以激发学生的学习热情。 四、教学策略选择与设计 ?本课教学我采用多媒体课件呈现教学各环节,面向全体学生,设计难易适中、有操练层次的练习形式,通过一个个任务的完成,来培养学生的英语综合运用能力。 五、教学重点及难点 ?1. 重点掌握询问和回答三餐所吃食物的句型:What do you have for lunch today? I have …. 难点为句子“What would you like for lunch?”与“What do you have for lunch today?”的不同用法。 六、教学过程 教师活动 学生活动 设计意图 一、?Warm up: Play the tape. Listen to the song ‘What Do You Have for Lunch?’. Free talk. What day is it today? /What day is tomorrow? What do you have on …? 在课前问答中温习旧知,为本节课的新句型学习做准备。 复习第二单元句型,为本节课的主句型学习做铺垫。? 二.Presentation. A game: Get to the carrot! Look at the chart. Can you help the rabbit to get the carrot? You should say the words out. ·Review the words. Use flashcards to review the new words again. Then listen to the chant on page 26 and repeat. 稟sk and answer. What would you like for lunch? I中’d like …. Ask some students, what would you like for breakfast? Then review the meaning. 稢hange the question: What do you have for breakfast? 稟sk the class the meaning. 稟sk and answer. Show the next question, what do you have for lunch? 稰lay a game: Brainstorm I have _____. I have ______ and _______. I have _____, ______ and ______. …. Task: Do a survey to known other’s lunch menu. What do you have for lunch today? I have …. Look at Chen Jie and John. What do they have for lunch today? 稬isten to the tape and tick or cross. 稢heck the answer. Ask individual students to repeat the dialog. Look at Sarah and


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