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Szakdolgozat Süthe? Cecilia 2004 Thesis Cecilia Süthe? 2004 Berzsenyi Dániel F?iskola B?lcsészettudományi Kar Angol Nyelv és Irodalom Tanszék Hálózaton hozzáférhet? források használata a szókincstanításban Konzulens: Készítette: Csoma Katalin Süthe? Cecilia f?iskolai tanársegéd angol nyelvtanári szak Szombathely 2004 Berzsenyi Dániel College Faculty of Art Department of English Language and Literature Using Online Resources in Teaching Vocabulary Supervisor: Author: Katalin Csoma Cecilia Süthe? Assistant Lecturer of College English Single Major Szombathely 2004 Abstract This thesis is devoted to discussing the advantages of using online resources in language learning. Computers have been employed in language teaching for more than twenty years; therefore their role in the language classroom is investigated in the first chapter. After a brief history of the Internet the World Wide Web as a resource of educational information is presented. The next chapter deals with the importance of vocabulary teaching. Subsequently, an account is given on the most important criteria of evaluating web pages. Finally, some websites are analysed in the light of their use in language teaching. Table of Contents Introduction 1 1 The Function of Computers in Language Teaching 2 1.1 Advantages of Using Computers in the Language Class 2 1.2 Teachers’ Changed Role 3 1.3 Ways of Using Computers in the Language Class 4 1.4 The Computer as a Teaching Tool 5 2 A Brief History of the Internet 8 3 Using the World Wide Web in Teaching English 10 3.1 The World Wide Web as a Resource of Information 10 3.2 The World Wide Web as a Resource of Language Teaching Materials 11 3.3 Authentic and Non-authentic Resources 12 3.4 CALL versus Internet 13 3.5 How to Organise a Lesson with the World Wide Web? 13 3.6 Working Offline with Internet Resources 15 4 Teaching vocabulary 16 4.1 The Role of Vocabulary Teaching 16 4.2 What Does it Mean to Know a Word? 16 4.3 Presenting New Vocabulary


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