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Table S1. Alaska radiocarbon dates and location of each site used to generate Fig. 2c. Latitude Longitude 14C Date (yr BP) 14C Date SD Reference A-2147 63.33 -149 5985 130 ten Brink, N.W. in R.M. Thorson, T.D. Hamilton, (1983) Eds. Glaciation in Alaska: extended abstracts from a workshop: Fairbanks, University of Alaska Museum, occasional Paper 2: 82. A-2163 63.33 -152 1800 100 Calkin. P.E. (1988) Holocene Glaciation of Alaska (and adjoining Yukon Territory, Canada). Quat. Science Rev. 7: 159-184. A-9338 55.15 -162.95 9300 80 Jordan, J.W., Maschner, H.D.G.(2000) Coastal paleogeography and human occupation of the Western Alaska Peninsula . Geoarchaeol. 15: 385-414. AA-23383 55 -163.5 10200 75 Jordan, J.W., Maschner, H.D.G.(2000) Coastal paleogeography and human occupation of the Western Alaska Peninsula . Geoarchaeol. 15: 385-414. AU-39 67.13 -157.37 10220 490 Reeburgh, W.S., Young, M.S. (1976) University of Alaska radiocarbon dates I. Radiocarbon 18: 1-15. AU-40B 67.13 -157.37 8255 1045 Reeburgh, W.S., Young, M.S. (1976) University of Alaska radiocarbon dates I. Radiocarbon 18: 1-15. AU-64 63.77 -144.52 7673 190 Reeburgh, W.S., Young, M.S. (1976) University of Alaska radiocarbon dates I. Radiocarbon 18: 1-15. AU-81 58.64 -157.29 7600 100 Reeburgh, W.S., Young, M.S. (1976) University of Alaska radiocarbon dates I. Radiocarbon 18: 1-15. AU-94 63.658 -148.833 9055 160 Reeburgh, W.S., Young, M.S. (1976) University of Alaska radiocarbon dates I. Radiocarbon 18: 1-15. B-90772 64.67 -147.833 8750 90 Jorgenson, T., Racine, C.H., Walters, J.C., Osterkamp, T.E. (2001) Permafrost degradation and ecological changes associated with a warming climate in Central Alaska. Clim. Change 48: 551-579. Beta-101354 68.41 -155.777 2130 50 Mann, D.H., Peteet, D.M., Reanier, R.E., Kunz, M.L. (2002) Responses of an arctic landscape to Lateglacial and early Holocene climatic changes: the importance of moisture. Quat. Science Rev. 21: 997-1021. Beta-101355 68.41 -155.774 520


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