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Today – 4/13 More volcanoes! First Mars shot - hill Matian basalt Martian dune field Frozen Martian Sea Last Time Hotspots – mantle plumes reach the surface; decompression melting to form basaltic magma; Hawaii, Mars, Venus; independent of plate boundaries Intrusive v. extrusive: coarse v. fine texture depends on cooling rate Three kinds of volcano: shield, stratovolcano, caldera – depends on magma type Last Time – Shield Volcano Built up from repeated basalt flows Basalt has high Fe / Mg, high temperature, low Si, low gas content, low viscosity (stickiness) MOR’s, hotspots, areas of continental extension Stratovolcano Built from alternating layers of pyroclastic andesite lava flows Magma – intermediate temperature, gas content, composition, viscosity St. Helens, Monserrat, Pinatubo, Tambora Form above subduction zones Wet melting of the mantle Wet Melting of the Mantle Mount Ngauruhoe, New Zealand Pyroclastic Flows - - - - - Mayon Philippines 1968 - - - - - Hot: 600oC Fast: 60 to 100 mph Mt. Vesuvius Pompeii, Italy AD 79 Cascade Volcanic Arc Lassen Peak Crater Lake Mt.St.Helens Mt. Rainier - - - - Part of Pacific Ring of Fire. Mt. Saint Helens, May, 1980 Eruption Mount St. Helens Volcanocam http://www.fs.fed.us/gpnf/volcanocams/msh/ Space Needle view Seattle, WA and Mount Rainier: Most dangerous volcano in North America? Mount Rainier, Most dangerous volcano in North America? Mount Pinatubo Tectonic Setting Volcanoes – Agents of Climate Change Mt. Pinatubo Ash Circles the Earth Climatic Effects of Volcanism Volcanic particles in stratosphere interact with man-made CFC’s to destroy ozone. Particles settle out in 2-3 years, ozone layer recovers. Volcanoes add CO2 to the atmosphere (10% of anthropogenic emissions), contributing to long-term global warming SO2 in the stratosphere reacts with water to form sulfuric acid, which absorbs solar energy and re-radiates it into space, creating short term cooling. Sulfuric acid droplets settle out after several


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