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* * * * These quotes from customers are a final confirmation and show the need for PIM. * * * * * * * * * Functional Organization Work occurs within each function Cross-functional coordination by bosses Lightweight Teams Some working level coordination across functions Team members still report to function Decision making remains with functional manager Heavyweight Teams True cross-functional team Team members report to project manager Team members authorized to make decisions * * * Facing stiff competition Allstate decided to take a novel approach - study consumers more closely. Meeting the needs of different customer segments was widely used across many industries but was not common practice in the insurance sector * Facing stiff competition Allstate decided to take a novel approach - study consumers more closely. Meeting the needs of different customer segments was widely used across many industries but was not common practice in the insurance sector * * 从产品角度,拥有领先的产品研发能力和领先的产品上市速度将是PICC获得持续领先地位的重要保障 第一,需要能够敏锐的洞察市场和客户的需求进行定制化的产品研发 第二,定制化的产品中越来越多的融入了精细化和市场化的要素 第三,定制化的产品还需要能够快速的上线 所以需要保险公司对这些变化做出快速的响应 * * * * * 实现统一的产品模型及各类产品的集中管理是优化产品开发效能、实现产品快速上线的基础 产品构建: 统一化:一切都是产品,商品、增值业务、服务(补换卡等)等都是产品; 原子化:原子产品是面向功能实现的最小、不可再分的独立销售和开通的单元; 组合化:原子产品灵活经过打包形成丰富的、面向客户的组合产品; 4. 规则化:产品的开通,资费规则化配置,减少相似产品重复开发。 产品经理 价格:300元 服务:账户变更服务 产品:预存300送300 价格:98元/月 服务语音300分钟,短信200条,GPRS 20M 产品:98套餐 价格:600元 机场贵宾服务 20次机场贵宾厅服务 价格:50元 服务:补换卡服务 2次免费补换卡产品 组合产品配置开发:通过组合配置原子产品,形成新的组合产品,无需新开发 原子产品 语音 上网 短信 信息 服务 实物 账户 短信 彩信 GPRS WLAN 资讯 商务 娱乐 音乐 手机 上网本 充值卡 家庭信息 集团信息 组合产品 组合配置 举例 Page * 差异化的定价模型是实现产品差异化销售的关键难点,完善的定价模型可以帮助PICC获得灵活的差异化销售能力,需要通过本项目加以抽象和定义 2 Dimensions Pricing 3 Dimensions Pricing 客户Customer Customer Attributes (age, CSP, …) Commercial Relationship (seniority, channels usage, modes of consumption, …) Analytics (behavior, segmentation, price sensitivity, …) Branch Call Center Internet ATM … 渠道 Channel 产品 Product Product Types Product Attributes (amount, duration, …) Cross-selling Bundl


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