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【学习目标】 本章主要介绍美术的种类和各自的特点,使同学们初步了解各类美术种类的基本知识. 【基本要求】 通过本章学习能够识别各种美术作品并分析和阐明各种美术的特点. ? * * 至今,绘画的种类多种多样,有着许多不同的分类方法,一般有以下几种: 1、根据绘画所表现的对象和内容分类:有宗教画、历史画、风俗画、肖像画、人物画、风景画、山水画、静物画、花鸟画、动物画、建筑画等。 2、根据绘画工具和材料分类:有素描、油画、水彩画、水粉画、水墨画、版画、雕塑、壁画等。 3、根据绘画形式分类:有装饰画、年画、连环画、宣传画、漫画等。 4、根据地域、国别或民族文化传统分类,则有中国画、日本画、西洋画等。 Paintings may be classified from different angles as follows: 1.???? According to the subjects and contents they express: religious painting, historical paintings, genre painting, portrait painting, figure painting, landscape painting, mountain and water painting, still life , flower and bird painting, animal painting, building painting. 2.???? According to painting tools and materials: sketch painting, oil paiting, watercolor painting, gouache, wash painting, print paintings, carving, mural paintings. 3.???? According to painting format: decoratoion paintings, New Year pictures, comic strips, picture posters, caricature 4.?????According to regional, national culture traditions: Chinese paintings, Japanese paintings, Western paintings ????? 一、绘画作品的类型 (一)中国画 中国画是我国传统造型艺术之一.也是我国传统民族绘画的统称,在我国中国画简称为“国画”。中国画是以水为调合剂、以墨为主要颜料、以毛笔为主要工具,画在宣纸或绢帛上的—种画种。由于墨要在砚盘上研磨,我国传统上就统称这些工具材料——笔、墨、纸、砚为“文房四宝” A. Types of Paintings ?1、?? Chinese painting Chinese painting is one of the Chinese traditional plastic art, which is also the general designation of Chinese traditional national paintings. Chinese painting is done on Chinese paper or silk by using water as harmonization agent, ink as main color, Chinese brush as main tools. Because the ink is ground on the inkstone with fresh water, traditionally, we call the four items -- writing brushes, ink-stick, inkstones and paper -- as four treasures of the study. 张仃的焦墨山水画 以线造型、书法入画,讲究笔墨,是中国画的重要特色。 The use of line, calligraph in pictures and rich brushwork and ink technique are characteristic of Chinese paintings. 中国画的墨色变化和以线条为主的勾、皴、点、染、浓、淡、干、湿、阴阳、向、背、虚、实、疏、密和留白等多种表现手法,具有高度的提炼概括技巧,充分体现了民族的精神,因而成为光辉灿烂的民族


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