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Value Stream Mapping Train-the-Trainer Information For A Process Data Box (to be collected on the shop floor) Cycle time Changeover time Process reliability (uptime) Scrap/Rework/Defect rate Number of product variations Number of operators Production batch sizes Working time (minus breaks) Pack size Typical Steps to Complete a Current State Drawing Document customer information Complete a quick walk through to identify the main processes (i.e., how many process boxes) Fill in data boxes, draw inventory triangles, and count inventory Document supplier information Establish information flow: how does each process know what to make next? Identify where material is being pushed Quantify production leadtime vs. processing time Frequently Asked Questions: Make to Order and Engineer to Order Shops Many shops have a combination of repetitive and non-repetitive products (indicating product families) Product families might be difficult to see – focus on machines/operations and work content time Engineering might be included in the information flow for leadtime impact, etc. Pitch is typically arbitrary to the manager Employment of pitch requires detailed knowledge of work content and routings for jobs FAQ: Distribution Centers Example FAQ: Parallel Manufacturing Flows Keep it simple, and make sure to leave room for the data boxes! FAQ: Including Subassemblies Focus on major subassemblies first Select one or two which might represent different types of situations Generic vs. specific to the product family Outsourced tasks within assembly Follow the format for parallel flow, and always include the main assembly process! For large fabricating and assembly operations, consider maps for each major subassembly with a “macro map” indicating the entire product family FAQ: Do We Really Have a Supermarket (or FIFO lane)? Supermarkets (and FIFO lanes) control production between points of flow without a written schedule. What is the trigger for production in this area of the


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