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562009 1 设计#研究 1 2 1 1 张云鹏 , 赵 伟 , 孙广标 , 张安洲 ( 1. , 710072; 2. , 710064 ) : 采用电火花加工及超声电火花复合加工的方法对TC4 钛合金进行了加工 验, 分析了 小电参数下两种加工方法中脉宽和峰值电流对表面粗糙度的影响, 研究表明超声电火花复合加工 可有效地降低零件表面粗糙度值通过扫描电镜对零件表面形貌的分析和重熔层厚度的观测以及 零件表面X 射线衍射分析, 表明采用超声电火花复合加工钛合金零件可获得较好的表面质量 : ; ; ; : V261 Study on the Surface Roughness of Ti-alloy in Ultrasonic Combined Electro-discharge Machining( EDM) 1 2 1 1 Zhang Yunpeng , Zhao Wei , Sun Guang iao , Zhang Anzhou ( 1. Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi. an 710072, China; 2. Chang. an University, Xi. an 710064, China ) Abstract: The experiments of machining TC4 y EDM and ultrasonic assisted EDM w ere carried out. The effect of fine electrical parameter ( pulse w idth and peak current) on surface roughness in tw o machining methods w as analyzed. It was confirmed that ultrasonic com ined EDM could effectively re- duce surface roughness. Scanning electronic microscope was used to analyze the micro profiles of sur- face and test the thickness of re-melting layer; the X ray diffractomete w as used to detect the machin- ing surfaces component. With the o servation results that ultrasonic com ined EDM could gain etter surface quality of T C4. Key words: ultrasonic com ined EDM; surface roughness; re-melting layer; scanning electronic mi- croscope , , X , , , 1 小参数超声电火花复合加工表面粗糙度 [ 1] (TC4) 实验研究 , ; , ,


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