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GZ 项目号 Eingangsdatum寄达日期 APPLICATION FOR A JOINT SINO-GERMAN RESEARCH PROJECT Please fill out this form in English and only in Chinese when indicated请用英文填写此表,如要求填写中文处请填写中文. 8 copies in English are required. Previous Funding from Sino-German Center: (Year, Topic, Reference number - GZ) Title of the project项目名称: Requested Starting Date: Proposed Project Duration(1-36 months): Date of Application: Chinese Applicant German Applicant 中文 in english letters Title/ Current Occupation: Last Name/ First Name: Sex: Date of Birth: Institutional or Organizational Affiliation: Department: City: Area Code: Street: Office Phone: Mobile Phone: Fax: Email Address: Previous Funding from NSFC: (Year, Topic, Reference number) Please classify your project in coherence with your cooperation partner into the following categories (only choose one): Agricultural Sciences Biology Chemistry Engineering and Material Sciences Geosciences Information and Communication Sciences Management Sciences Mathematics Medicine Physics 1. Abstract of the overall project 项目整体介绍 (20 lines maximum, use Times New Roman 10 point characters, single-spaced) (最多20行,采用Times New Roman字体10号,单倍行距) Keywords: 关键词 2. General description of the overall project, emphasizing the role and motivation of each Research Team, their intended interaction and the anticipated added value. (one page maximum, use Times New Roman 10 point characters, single-spaced) 总体介绍整个项目,重点说明各小组在整个项目中的作用和促进因素,各小组之间的内部协调和相互作用以及预期产生的附加值。 (最多一页,采用Times New Roman字体10号,单倍行距) 3. Premises of the Joint Research Project 3.1. State of the Art with special regard to research in Germany and China 3.2. Preliminary Work (Individual and joint activities/ research of research project partners) Please complete the following forms for each research team separately 4. Scientific contribution of research team (Name of principal scientist(s)) (Five pages ma


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