企业风险管理 - Upgrading from ERM to Sustainability.ppt

企业风险管理 - Upgrading from ERM to Sustainability.ppt

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企业风险管理 - Upgrading from ERM to Sustainability

Upgrading from ERM to Sustainability THE FUTURE IS NOW Upgrading from ERM to Sustainability Moderator/Presenter – Peter C. Breitstone Chief Executive Officer Aon Environmental Services Group Presenter – Dan R. Anderson Leslie P. Schultz Professor of Risk Management and Insurance University of Wisconsin-Madison School of Business Presenter – John F. Vargo Director, Risk Management Johnson Controls, Inc. Sustainability What is Sustainability? Definition of Sustainability: “Development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs” United Nations Brundtland Commission - 1987 Sustainability – It’s Not New “I say the Earth belongs to each generation. No generation can contract debts greater than may be paid during the course of its own existence.” Thomas Jefferson September 6, 1789 Triple Bottom Line Concept “To reach sustainability, one must achieve not only economic ‘bottom line’ performance but environmental and social performance as well.” British Economist John Elkington - 1997 Sustainability Issues Why Care About Sustainability? What’s Sustainability Worth? The Business Case for Sustainability Past Company Value “Iceberg” Present Company Value “Iceberg” The Sustainability Dilemma Awakened Public - Green Consumers In Essence - Sustainability Looks at risk differently by linking emerging economic, environmental and social issues to shareholder value. Focuses on sustainable business performance including the need to monitor key drivers and impacts. Encourages risk optimization and the opportunity of risk. Efficiently uses tools to mitigate the negative components of risk. Recognizes the importance of stakeholders. Presents risks that may not be insurable. Concept #1 Concept #2 Concept #3 Evolving Risks Climate Change Greenhouse Gases Market Impacts of Climate Change Water Shortage Changes in Precipitation Patterns World Energy Demand Forecast Waste Management and Recycling Social Issues Q


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