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八一红歌组诗 八一红歌组诗 一挺立的歌词 南湖的理想 井冈山的红旗 故事里的歌词惊天动地 走过草地,草地燃起炊烟 爬过雪山,雪山响起号角 在延安,延安太阳升起 在前线,前线敌人倒下 在工厂,工厂机器轰鸣 在田间,田间稻花欢笑 挺立的歌词,中国的脊梁 挺立的歌词,火车的引擎 它引领卫星上天 它与潜艇入海 歌词站在南极和科考队升起国旗 歌词来到曾母暗沙和战士一起戍守边疆 我们的幸福在歌词里舞蹈 我们的明天在歌词里挺立 二活着的音符 从唐古拉山到长江口 从巴颜喀拉山到渤海湾 万马千军跌宕起伏的是活着的音符 时而咆哮,时而悠扬 八一的枪声 四渡赤水的雨声 横渡长江的桨声 淮海战役的炮声 每一个声音是一个活着的音符 一个鲜活的生命的延续 跌水相连前仆后继 音符在雪域高原的篝火里燃烧 在南国的稻花香里话丰年 在空中飞行 在海里前进 把英名刻在经典里 把英雄塑造在心中 三嘹亮的大地 万马奔腾 在山峡大坝嘎然止步 黄河的壶口瀑布 在咆哮气壮山河的陕西锣鼓 龙在风卷残云高唱 南泥湾在袅绕悠扬 大地在嘹亮 红歌嘹亮 星星铁锤镰刀在嘹亮 天空洗得湛蓝 大地洗得明亮 铁轨,工厂,田间,市场.......锃亮 办公室锃亮 树有了精气神 路有了精气神 生活有了精气神 create a good atmosphere for education, and to promote the all-round development of students, to establish a scientific moral education full of vigor the For long-term mechanism.Two, the goal of moral education:To guide the students to form the correct world outlook, outlook on life, values, to cultivate students unity and mutual assistance, honest and trustworthy, law-abiding, good quality, hard work, set a good XX students ideological quality, psychological quality and image quality. The formation of excellent moral education curriculum system and management system, the construction of school. The society, family moral education network, to achieve full member education, environment education, education service people, educating people. Traditional moral education initiativesThree, the routine work of moral education:Daily moral education:1, the daily morning exercises or class-break setting-up exercise and discipline inspection and appraisal of public signs;2, daily cleaning and inspection;3, the daily student school appearance, dress, wearing school card check;4, the daily duty guide to the leadership cl


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