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中国可再生能源发展状况和前景展望 Development and Outlook of Renewable Energy in China 国家发展改革委能源所 可再生能源发展中心 内容提要 Content 一、能源生产与消费状况 Energy production and consumption 二、能源面临的主要问题 Confronted problems of China energy 三、能源需求分析 Scenarios of energy demand 四、可再生能源资源及利用状况 RE resource potential and development 五、可再生能源发展规划设想 Framework of RE Planning 能源生产 Energy Production 2003年,In 2003 一次能源生产总量约16亿吨 Total primary energy is 1.6 billion tce 煤炭产量16.7亿吨 Coal production is 1.67 billion tons 原油产量为1.7亿吨 Crude Oil is 170 million tons 天然气产量345亿立方米 Natural gas is 34.5 billion cu.m 全年发电量1.9万亿千瓦时 Electricity generation is 1900TWh 总发电装机容量3.85亿千瓦 Total electricity Capacity is 385GW 石油进口9700万吨 Oil import is 97 million tons 能源消费 Energy Consumption 2003年,一次能源消费总量为16.8亿吨标准煤 In 2003, total primary energy consumption is 1.68 billion tce 面临的问题 Confronted problems 能源资源约束十分严重 limited by energy resource 面临的问题 Confronted problems 过分依赖煤炭,环境污染严重 Depended on coal in energy supply, environmental pollution is severe 2003年,SO2排放量为2160万吨 SO2 emission 21.6 million tons in 2003 2/3城市的空气质量低于国家二级标准,酸雨问题突出 Air quality in 2/3 cities is under class 2 national standard,acid rain is severe 生态系统灾难,健康问题,呼吸道疾病 Ecosystem disaster, health problems, respiratory diseases 面临的问题 Confronted problems 能源利用技术落后,效率低 Outdated technology, low energy efficiency 主要工业产品的单位能耗高于世界平均水平 Energy consumption for per unit product is higher than world level 火力发电煤耗高22% Thermal power,higher by 22% 吨钢能耗高21% Energy consumption for steel making higher by 21% 水泥综合能耗高45% Energy consumption for cement making higher by 45% 建筑物能耗高2-3倍,Energy consumption for buildings higher by 2-3 times 总能源效率为32%,低于世界平均水平10个百分点 Total energy efficiency is 32%, lower than world level by 10 percentage point 吨标准煤GDP是美国的29%,欧盟的17%,日本的10% GDP/tce is 29% of US, 17% of EU, and 10% of Japan 能源需求分析 Scenario of Energy Demand 到2020年,by 2020 GDP比2000年翻两番,人均3000美元 Double GDP twice than 2000, per capita is USD3000 一次能源消费将达30亿吨标准煤 TPEC 3 billion tce 能源需求快速增长时期 Fast growth


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