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台灣地區福壽螺科種類 – 福壽螺Pomacea canaliculata - 南美洲阿根廷引進(1979) 梯狀福壽螺Pomacea scalaris - 巴西(?) 元寶螺 Pila leopordvillensis - 非洲剛果引進(1975) 福壽螺的生活史 雌雄異體體內受精 卵具碳酸鈣外殼 受精卵約三週孵化 兩個月後成熟 每年可產2410-8680 eggs 約可存活3年 遇環境不良時進入休眠可達13個月 廣東住血線蟲中間寄生,引發人類嗜伊紅性腦膜炎 * 1/4 生物污染、外來種、引入途 徑、案例、入侵成功條件 輔助教材影片:受精與胚胎發育 皮膚易曬黑 - 外因 ?使用有檸檬、橘子、佛手柑等精油按摩皮 膚之後。 ?使用含有香料、甘油等成分的敷臉用品, 或敷臉後塗抹含酒精或鹼性的化妝水後。 ?皮膚浸泡海水後。 -內因 ?食物:如芹菜、韭菜、芫荽;九層塔、人 工甘味、人工香料。 ?缺乏:維生素C、B2、B6、菸鹼酸等。 ?抽煙喝酒: 易消耗體內的維生素C、B群。 -引進外來種個人看法: 其他 (5人) 贊成(9人)? 不贊成(72人) 何謂外來種? 生物國防? 30.有同學上課聊天很大聲!! 一個學期了, 該學會尊重別人的受教權吧!! END Cane toad (Giant toad, Bufo marinus) ?Originality: Central and South America (northern Mexico to Brazil) ?1920s-1930s: to Puerto Rico, Hawaii and the Philippines (Australia in 1935) ?Life span: up to 15 yrs, 2.5kg and 26cm ?Diet: insects, small lizards, frogs, mice, birds, small cane toads ?Predator: Keelback snake can detoxify the venom Water rats, Ibis, Crows turn the toads over to eat non-poisonous parts Crocodiles (Crocodylus porosus C. johnstoni) ? 海月水母 生物污染 櫛水母 Exotic jellyfish Annual changes (2) exotic Mnemiopsis leidyi biomass and (1) zooplankton (Shiganova et al., 2001) Catches of zooplanktivorous fishes in the Black and Azov Seas (Shiganova et al., 2001). Nonindigenous species of invertebrates and algae in marine waters of North American shown by vector (Ruiz et al., 2000). Nonindigenous species of invertebrates and algae in marine waters of North American shown by date of first record (Ruiz et al., 2000). Nonindigenous species of invertebrates and algae in marine waters of North American shown by native region (Ruiz et al., 2000). Nonindigenous species of invertebrates and algae in marine waters of North American shown by taxonomic group (Ruiz et al., 2000). 貽貝 Mytilopsis sp. 福壽螺在東南亞國家的應用 用途 韓國 高棉


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