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育 明 教 育 专注于南开大学考研专业课辅导 始于2006,八年辅导经验 育明教育徐老师赠言:你若盛开,清风自来 翻译硕士英语 1. 单选(1*30):比较简单,词汇+语法+搭配; 2. 阅读(2*15+10):公认的比较难,GRE 水平。出选择的有三篇,一篇关于数学家、科学家 的,一篇关于普鲁斯特《追忆似水年华》的,还有一篇怎么也想不起来了。出问答题的有一篇, 个人觉得这是近几年北航阅读问答里最难的一篇。 3. 写作(30):命题作文 The Importance of Teamwork 翻译基础 一、术语互译就不说了,全部都是参考书上的,今年只翻译不用解释。(1*30) 二、翻译 英译汉(60): 1. “War is a mere continuation of politics by other means,” Prussian theorist Karl Von Clausewitz wrote. Today, banking—broadly defined as lending and borrowing money through institutions and bond markets—is a continuation of politics, or war, by other means. In the 20th century, Germany wielded power over European neighbors through brute military force. In the 21st century, Germany, abetted by France, uses its influence with the European Central Bank and the European Union to dictate terms to Greece and 1 1 / 5 : :【 other weak nations. And the effort to halt Iran’s march to nuclear prominence relies as much on the international banking system’s willingness and ability to enforce financial sanctions as it does on the threat of bombs. 2. Its foreign policy is becoming not so much Islamic as Ottoman, reestablishing a sphere of influence it had for 400 years. Abdullah Gul, Turkeys sophisticated president, explains that while Turkey remains resolutely part of the West, it is increasingly influential in the Middle East, Central Asia and beyond. Turkey is becoming a source of inspiration for other countries in the region, he told me in New York last week. 3. 找了很久还是没有找到,关于水平直线飞行的。估计学过或者了解过航空方面的童鞋做这 篇应该比较沾光吧。 汉译英(60) 1. 中国载人航天工程新闻发言人武平表示,载人航天工程实施以来,中国先后与世界上多个 国家、地区和国际组织开展了广泛的合作与交流,在航天医学、空间科学实验、航天员选拔训 练等领域均开展过务实合作。她说,中国愿与各国一起,共同推动世界载人航天技术发展,为 和平利用太空、造福全人类做出更加积极的贡献。 2. 随着《致青春》票房告捷,人们再次怀念起青春——那个载满激情与痛苦,希望与心碎交 织的年代。人们之所以对青


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