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生物技术通报 BIO TE CHN OLOG Y B ULLETIN 2010 1 D of 徐慧妮 王康 李昆志 ( , 650224) : Dof( DNA binding w ith one finger)蛋白是植物特有的一类转录因子, 包含一 个C C 锌指,其 N末端保 的 Dof 2 2 结构域是既与 DNA 又和蛋白相互作用的双重功能域在过去 10多年的研究中, Dof蛋白在多种单子叶和双子叶植物中被分 离Dof蛋白作为转录的激活子或抑制子在植物的生长和发育中发挥重要作用就 Dof转录因子及其生物学功能的进展进行 了综述 : Dof 转录因子 转录调控 P lant Dof Tran scription Factors and Its B iological Functions Xu Huini W ang ang Li unzhi (Kunming University of Science and Technology, B iotechnology R esearch Center, K unming 650224) A bstrac:t Dof (DNAbinding with one finger) domain proteins as plantspecific transcription factors, presumably include a single C C zinc finger. Dofdomain proteinsmediate bothDNAbinding and proteinprotein interactions. During the past decade, numerousDof 2 2 domain proteins have been identified in both monocots and dicots. Dof domain proteins play critical roles as transcription activators or repressors in plants growth and development. In this paper, the Dof domain protein and its biological functionswere summarized. K ey w ords: Dof Transcription factor Transcription regulation Dof, N DNA C [2] , Dof ( DNA Dof N 52 bindingw ith one finger) Dof cD 4 Cys, [ 1] NA , CX CX CX C 2 21 2 2+ Dof, , 1 Zn 4 Cys


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