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广告传播媒介(国外英文资料) In Chinese, the word media is first used in the book of the old tang dynasty : the people who look at the past and present are the agents of the media. In this case, the medium is the person or thing that causes the relationship between the two parties. Among them, the word media was the person or thing that made the relationship between the two parties in the pre-qin period. Among them, the word media refers to the matchmaker in the pre-qin period, and then the cause of the occurrence of the phenomenon. Poems ﹒ WeiFeng ﹒ for self-protection : bandit I delay, unscrupulous media. The son wei phase : to see the good and the good, the mordant media. The word medium has always been the intermediary or tool that resides in the two. In English, media is the plural form of medium. It was first reported in the mid-19th century, when children in the streets of London were known as advertising media for wearing signs or distributing flyers. The 1909 edition of Websters dictionary explains the word media : tools, such as advertising media. During the first world war, Britains some advertising agencies began to set up the media, to select and compare a variety of media, advertising information dissemination to their customers. Professionals, said later, spread company is engaged in the media industry, and communication scholars will books, newspapers, magazines, radio, television, movies and other referred to as medium. Wu dongquan, in the history of the media in China (1988), argues that media, translated as media, is not as safe as media. Because body itself contains body, body, shape, shape. How many there is a real sense, as a kind of media and body, should also contain the meaning of an entity, that is, it is composed of shape existence and transmission function of the entity. As a result, the media is a broadcast, newspaper, radio, or communications satellite ground receiving station... capable of transmitting functions. However, wu ended up succumbing to


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