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使用SIPP来进行SIP压力测试(国外英文资料) Use SIPP for SIP stress tests (2) Record man: honey Record time: 2010-7-21 1.???? Usage scenarios I recently needed a big call test for a newly made Ssession Border Controller. The SBC includes two modules: CN and VN, CN modules for signaling, and VN modules mainly for media forwarding, and SBC for both SIP and media streaming for NAT traversing problems. The SBC server is a dual network card machine with IP address: 7 and 10, and the IP of the UAS server is 6. The IP of the UAC machine (my machine) is 07. UAC to SBC the server sends the INVITE message, SBC to receive news, by the CN module will forward the message to UAS server, and forward information to UAC UAS, after call setup, UAS and UAC media flow forward by module to do. The UAC (07) -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- SBC (7, 10) -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- UAS (6) In the call test, UAC by Sipp software to do the machine, the writer UAS is another tested the stability of the server, it after receive the INVITE message SBC, 100, 180, 200, and put a note. 2. Uac. XML editing Because we need to have some differences in media packages, audio Codec, and other processes, we also need to prepare custom uac.xml. In the installation directory of Sipp (eg. C: Program Files sipp_3.1), create a new uac.xml file, which is written as follows: ? XML version = 1.0 encoding = iso-8859-1? ! The DOCTYPE scenario SYSTEM sipp. DTD. ? ! This program is free software. You can redistribute it and/or?? -- -- ! -- modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as?? -- -- ! -- published by the Free Software Foundation; Either version 2 of the minus ! The License, or (at your option) any later version.??? -- -- ! ,?????? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????? -- -- ! This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful. -- -- ! -- but WITHOUT ANY; Without even the implied warranty of?? -- -- ! Is it A good thing


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