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旅游目的地开发与管理 教学大纲 2012.11 主讲人: 授课教师:邹统钎教授/博士 北京第二外国语学院旅游管理学院 Email: ztq64@126.com;zoutongqian@ 办公室: 1教东327 Tel:010O); Mobile考核方式: 案例研究(小组报告与演示) 30% 出勤 10% 期末考试 60% 教材: World Tourism Organization (2004) Indicators of Sustainable Development for Tourism Destinations--A Guidebook. 参考书: 邹统钎:旅游目的地管理,高等教育出版社,2011 邹统钎:中国旅游景区管理模式研究,南开大学出版社,2006 邹统钎:旅游学术思想流派,南开大学出版社,2008 :旅游目的地开发与管理概论 :景区型旅游目的地发展与管理 :乡村型旅游目的地发展与管理 :城市型旅游目的地发展与管理 :旅游目的地营销与品牌管理 :专题研究 参考文献: Chapter 1: Introduction Jarkko Saarinen (2006). Traditions of sustainability in tourism studies. Annals of Tourism Research, 33(4): 1121–1140. Pine II, B. Joseph, Gilmore, James H. (1998). Welcome to the experience economy. Harvard Business Review. July-August 76(4):97-106. Chapter 2: Destination Attractions Neil Leiper(1990). Tourist Attraction Systems. Annals of Tourism Research. 17(3):367-384. Norton, William(2003). Competing Identities and Contested Places: Mormons in Nauvoo and Voree, Journal of Cultural Geography. Fall/Winter, 21(1):95-119. Chapter 3: Rural Destination Development Sharpley, Richard and Lesley Roberts(2004). Rural Tourism----10 Years on, International Journal of Tourism Research, (6), 119-124. Chapter 4: Urban Destination Development Pearce, Douglas G. (2001). An Integrative Framework for Urban Tourism Research, 28(4), 926–946. Chapter 5: Destination Marketing and Branding Buhalis, Dimitrios (2000). Marketing the Competitive Destination of the Future. Tourism Management. 21(1): 97-116. Charlotte M. Echtner and J.R. Brent Ritchie(2003) . The Meaning and Measurement of Destination Image. The Journal of Tourism Studies 14(3) : 37-48. Chapter 6: Current Issues of Tourism J.R. Brent Ritchie, Geoffrey I. Crouch (2000). The competitive destination: A sustainability perspective. Tourism Management 21(1). Ning Wang(1999). Rethinking Authenticity in Tourism Experience. Annals of Tourism Research, 26(2):349-370. Ta


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