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UFO 200W工矿灯(JH-HB200W-06)
ShenZhen JingHong Lighting Co.,Ltd
Product Specification
Model: JH-HB200W-06 Power: 200W Product: LED High-Bay Light 200W Size: ¢456*H205mm
Confirmation Approval/Date Verify/Date Edit/Date
Mr Xiong 2016-06-5
1、Product Features and Applications -----------------------------------P3
2、Product Pictures ----------------------------------------------------P5
Product Size---------------------------------------------------------P5
Product Specification------------------------------------------------P6
Product Installation and Maintenance---------------------------------P9
Warranty and after-sale Service--------------------------------------P9
Product Features and Applications
.Led Light Source Features:
Adopted Germany OSRAM SMD Led Chip,Large-Size Chip with High brightness and low light fades,Enough Current margin, Led chip Rated current 200mA,actual use only120mA,Extend led Lights lifespan and increase Light Efficiency. LM-80 Certificated approval.
.Led Driver Features:
Adopted MOSO Driver, Universal AC Input/Full range up to AC305V.
Protection function: short circuit/over current/over voltage/over temperature, Built-in active PFC function, PF﹥0.9 at load ≧75%;Fully encapsulated with IP67 Level.
.Product Features:
Intellectual property rights,Distinctive,low-profile design,and high-quality construction.Adopted import high-brightness led chip with ultra-high lumen output,high thermal conductivity, low light fade.Their fashionable,high-tech styling, combined with their exceptional performance have quickly made these lights some of our hottest sellers.
Highest-grade LED components and driver circuitry are protected from dust and moisture by waterproof connections and silicone seals for an IP-65 rating.
While the heavy-duty,die-cast aluminum housing gives the fixture its unique look,it also serves as a massive,high-efficiency heat sink---dissipating heat and further protecting the system for a li
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