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TEG 5000 什么是TEG? Thrombelastograph ? 血栓弹力图实验 历史: -1948年德国人发明 -70年代美国Haemoscope买入专利, TEG开始广泛应用于临床 历史机器型号:2000,3000,4000,5000 凝血模式 级联模式 监测: 级联反应模式 PT 和 aPTT 凝血因子的功能 血浆基础 PT/INR: coumadin(华法林) aPTT: 肝素 凝血连续反应的一个阶段 监测: 级联反应模式 常规检查 血小板计数 纤维蛋白原水平 D-dimer 细胞基本模式 检测肝素的存在 结果: 肝素有效: RK为RKH的1-2倍之间 肝素过量:RK2 RKH,需要用鱼精蛋白中和 注意:使用肝素后RK20min不易出血 * The overlaid tracings allow for the visual comparison of sequential TEG analyses. In addition, a normal tracing can be overlaid to compare with a patient’s result. The baseline TEG analysis can also be set as the reference tracing from which to compare subsequent TEG analyses. The use of the overlaid tracings assists in trend analysis and provides a quick visual summary of an entire TEG case history. * A second useful tool from the TEG software is the GUIDE. The GUIDE is a tool that allows the user to compare a patient’s tracing to a library of known coagulopathy tracings. The user has the option of scrolling through the library of tracings or letting the software make the selection. The software provides an overlay tracing for visual comparison as well as possible interpretations of the patient’s results. The GUIDE is a useful tool for training and for practice, since it provides the tracings from a wide range of coagulopathies. * Another tool to assist in the interpretation of the results is CLOT. CLOT provides an alternative visual representation of the R, angle, MA and LY30 values for a patient sample as compared to a normal sample. CLOT also provides a possible interpretation for consideration. The CLOT option for a given tracing is accessed by clicking on the “Data” icon on the menu bar in either the Main screen or the Max screen. The CLOT display can also be printed on the report. This option is available in the print menu bar. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * The TEG analyzer software has many tools to assist the user in displaying the results, making interpretations, and generating reports.


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