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Unit 11 Very smart! Lesson 21 New Words and Expressoins smart [smɑ:t] adj. 神气的 these [ei:z] pron. and adj.这些 outfit [‘a?tf?t] n 服装 play [ple?] n. 戏剧 演出 both [b??θ] adj. (两者)都 elegant [el?g(?)nt] adj. 优雅的 interesting [‘?nt?r?st??] adj. 有趣的 tie [ta?] n. 领带 领结 um [?m] int. 嗯 colourful [‘k?l?ful] adj.鲜艳的 unusual [?n‘ju:???l] adj. 独特的 shoe [?u:] n. 鞋 all right adj. 合适的 part [pɑ:t] n. 角色 adj. 神气的 pron. and adj.这些 n 服装 n. 戏剧 演出 adj. (两者)都 adj. 优雅的 adj. 有趣的 n. 领带 领结 int. 嗯 adj.鲜艳的 adj. 独特的 n. 鞋 adj. 合适的 ] n. 角色 [smɑ:t] smart adj. 神气的 用法: 穿得好,穿戴得体. 这是一件很神气的外套. This is a very smart coat. [ei:z] these pron. and adj.这些 this(单数)—these(复数) these— those(对应词) 这是一顶红色的帽子。 This is a red hat.(变成复数) These are red hats. [‘a?tf?t] outfit n 服装 用法:特指一套服装 outfit – outfits(复数) 这些是我们的服装。 out+fit These are our outfits. play [ple?] n 剧,戏剧 电视剧 the TV play 学校演出 the school play play [ple?] vt 打,弹,玩 踢足球 play football 打篮球 play basketball 打棒球 play baseball 弹钢琴 play the piano 玩电脑游戏 play the computer games [b??θ] both adj. (两者)都 both:只用于强调二者, 放在be动词之后。 你们都很高。 You are both very tall. [el?g?nt] e+le+gant elegant adj. 优雅的 看,你们都很优雅。 Look, you are both very elegant. [‘?nt?r?st??] in+te+res+ting interesting adj. 有趣的 那些鞋十分有趣。 Those shoes are very interesting. [ta?] tie n. 领带 领结 这是条神气的领带。 This is a smart tie.(变成复数句子) These are smart ties. [‘k?l?ful] co+lour+ful colourful adj.鲜艳的 colour(名词)– colourful(形容词) 它是一条鲜艳的领带。 It is a colourful tie. [?n‘ju:???l] un+u+sual unusual adj. 独特的 一件特别的外套 an unusual coat all right adj. 合适的 它们正合适的 They are all right. be right for 正适合,正好 它们正适合角色。 They are right for the part. part [pɑ:t] n. 角色


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