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B篇 北京平谷中考二模 OK, so you think you’re green, do you? I know you: you live in a modern city, don’t you? You keep your bottles and take them to the bottle bank. You have a black bin and a green bin, one for common waste and one for recyclable (循环的)waste. Your car uses lead-free petrol. You use the same plastic bag every time you go to the supermarket. Maybe you evern cycle to work from time to time. You are playing your part; you understands well; you are green and environment-friendly. Well, I’ve got news for you: YOU ARE NOT DOING ENOUGH! ● If you don’t believe me, look at these facts. Trust me, they’re from a BBC website. ● Every person in the UK throws away their own body weight in rubbish every seven weeks. ● Every year, each dustbin has enough unused energy for 500 hot baths, 3,500 hot showers or 5,000 hours of television. ● Every UK house produces over one ton of rubbish every year. ● At Christmas over 83 square kilometres of wrapping paper is thrown in the bin. Do you need to do more? No? OK, here are two more facts. ● Recycling just one plastic bottle saves enough energy to power a light bulb for six hours. ● Collecting dustbins and cleaning streets cost £1.6 billion per year. Surely you must believe me now. You need to do more . The good news is that there is something else you can do. 50. Eevery person in the UK throws away ___________ every seven weeks. A. one ton of rubbish B. two tons of rubbish C. their own body weight in rubbish D. two bodies weight in rubbish 51. At Christmas over ________ square kilometres of wraping paper is thrown in the bin . A. 83 B. 500 C. 3,500 D. 5,000 52. _______________ cost £0.8 billion half a year . A. Recycling just one plastic bottle B. Collecting dustbins and cleaning streets C. Throwing away common rubbish D. Beleiving what the writer says 老师您好第51题为什么选C? 课文中有原句“● At Christmas over 83 square kilometres of wrapping paper is


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