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2011高考英语词汇pack [pAk]v.to put (things, esp. ones belongings) into ( cases, boxes, etc.for travelling or storing捆; 扎; 打包; 包装; 打行李 n.a number of things wrapped or tied together , or put in a case, esp. for carrying on the back by a person or animal 包; 捆; 束; 行李; a pack of 一群(包、副、盒、伙、派,); packs of 大量的; 一大堆的 packet [5pAkIt]n.a small package; a number of small things tied or put together into a small box, case, or bag小包; 小捆; 小盒; 小袋; a packet of 一包(盒、捆, ) page [peidV]n. one side of a sheet of paper in a book , newspaper, etc., usu. numered页; 页码: turn to page...翻到页; Open the book at page... 请把书翻到页; turn the page over 翻过一页 pain [pein]n. 1. [U]suffering; great discomfort of the body or mind 疼; 疼痛: have a pain in ones head(= have a headache) 头痛; have pains all over浑身疼痛; cry with pain痛得哭起来 2. [C] a feeling of suffering or discomfort in a particular part of the body; a feeling of annoyance or displeasure[常用复数形式] 劳苦; 苦心; (内心的)痛苦; No pains, no gains 不劳则无获; spare no pains不辞劳苦; be at the pain of learning 刻苦学习 [同]ache [反]pleasure [辨析]pain 指肉体的、精神的痛苦; ache指连续的、局部的隐隐作痛 painful [5peinfUl]adj. 1.causing pain痛的; 痛苦的 2. hard or difficult 费力的; 艰苦的 painfully adv. [反] painless paint [peint]v.1.to put paint on (a surface)粉刷; 油漆; 2.to make a picture or pictures of somebody or something using paint(用颜料等)绘画; paint from nature 写生; paint in oils/water colours画油画/画水彩画; paint the house粉刷/油漆屋子; paint sth. red/ green 把某物染成红色/绿色 n. liquid colouring matter which can be put or spread on a surface to make it a certain colour油漆; 涂料; (常复数:paints)颜料: Fresh/ Wet paint!油漆未干! a peace of paint一幅绘画作品; painter [5peint[]n.a person who paints pictures; artist 绘画者;(油)画家 paintbrush n.画笔; 画刷 painting [5peintIN]n. 油画; 水彩画 [同]drawing; picture [辨析] painting, drawing, picture, portrait: painting泛指油画、 水彩画等带有色彩的绘画作品。 drawing泛指黑白类的绘画作品或线条画;指素描作品。 picture泛指各类绘画作品、图片,亦可表示电影作品。 portrait 指人物的肖像, 或人物肖像的语言描写。 pair [pZ[]n. [C] something made up of two parts that are alike and which are


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