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University of Kentucky University of Arizona Jackson Community College William and Mary College Swem Library Georgia Tech 对图书馆员的新要求 For more than 30 years, MLS degree is the unquestioned historic credential for admission to the library profession. [Lynch, BP Smith, KR. (2001). The changing nature of work in a academic libraries. College Research Libraries, 62, 407-420. ] 过去30多年来,图书馆学硕士学位一直是进入图书馆职业的基本通行证 Analyses of job trends indicate that advanced computer skills, proficiency in Web-based resources and services, and the ability to be creative and inventive in an online environment are prerequisites for many library positions. [Higa, ML, Bunnett, B, Maina, B, Perkins, J, Ramos, T, Thompson, L. et al. (2005). Redesigning a library’s organizational structure. College Research Libraries, 66, 41-58. ] 图书馆职业趋势的分析显示: 高级计算机技能,精通网络资源和服务,处于在线环境里的创新能力是很多图书馆职位的先决条件 对图书馆员的新要求 (续) Technical (e.g., tools, processes, subject expertise) Administrative (e.g., leadership, project management) Social (e.g., communication, teamwork, problem-solving) System (e.g., development methodologies, business planning) 技术 (工具,流程,专业知识) 管理 (领导艺术,项目管理) 社会 (交际,团队工作,解决问题的能力) 系统 (系统开发方法,企业规划) Cortez, EM, Dutta, SK, Kazlauskas, EJ. (2004). What the library and information professional can learn from the information technology and project management knowledge areas. Portal: Libraries and the Academy, 2, 131-144. 高校图书馆绩效评估的标准 常见的图书馆评估需要:学校资格鉴定,新的学位课程的开设,拨款申请等 图书馆评估在学校长期发展规划中的需要 基本的统计比较工具:研究图书馆协会统计,馆藏、收支、员工几十个类别的等量化比较。数据是由目前的124个图书馆每年自行提供的/stats/annualsurveys/arlstats/arlstats08.shtml 美国大学和研究图书馆协会:2010高校图书馆十大发展趋势 Academic library collection growth is driven by patron demand and will include new resource types. 高校图书馆馆藏的增长是由读者的需求来驱动的,它将包括新的资料形式 Budget challenges will continue and libraries will evolve as a result. 预算的挑战将会继续,图书馆将继续受其影响 Changes in higher education will require that libraries posses diverse skill sets. 高等教育的变化将要求图书馆员拥有多样化的技能 Demands for accountability and assessment will increase.


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