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Press Conference 新聞發佈會 Dementia Prevalence Increases with Age 老年癡呆症患病率隨年齡上升 Subtype 老年癡呆症的種類 Dementia can be classified into Alzheimers disease, vascular dementia, and other causes 老年癡呆症主要可分為阿爾茨海默症、血管性老年癡呆症及其他較罕見的致病原因 About one-third of the dementia cases in Hong Kong are associated with underlying cardiovascular disease 在香港,約三分之一的老年癡呆症個案是由心血管疾病引起的 (Chiu et al., 1998) An Ageing Population 人口老化 The Hong Kong population is ageing 香港正面對人口老化 Impact of an Ageing Population 人口老化的影響 Informal caregivers are an integral part of care 非正式的照顧者是照顧過程中不可缺少的一環 The support ratio in the oldest group (population aged 50-74: population aged 85+) has been decreasing 高齡長者支援比例(50-74歲人口:85歲或以上人口)一直下降 Implying each informal caregiver is caring for more older people 顯示每名非正式的照顧者要照顧愈來愈多的長者 (Robine et al., 2007; Chau et al., 2007) Impact of an Ageing Population (cont’d) 人口老化的影響(續) Even if there is no increase in the rate of dementia, the number of people who have dementia will increase due to more older people 即使老年癡呆症患病率沒有上升,僅因人口老化,已可預期未來患老年癡呆症的長者會增加 The decrease in number of caregivers and more people with dementia raises questions about how to maintain care 考慮到照顧者減少及老年癡呆症患者增加,必須解決如何提供照顧的問題 Burden of Disease 老年癡呆症造成的負擔 The costs of dealing with dementia include direct costs 包括直接成本 medical (e.g. hospitalisation) 醫療開支(例如留院費用) long term care 長期護理開支 and indirect costs 及間接成本 disability 殘疾 premature mortality 提早死亡 caregiver burden (psychological, physical and social) 照顧者負擔(包括心理、生理及社交) CADENZA Project 「流金頌」計劃 “CADENZA: A Jockey Club Initiative for Seniors” conducted a study to 「流金頌︰賽馬會長者計劃新里程」完成了一項研究,以 Examine the trends in incidence, prevalence, mortality associated disabilities of dementia over the past decade in Hong Kong 檢視最近十年香港的老年癡呆症發病率、患病率、死亡率及相關殘疾的趨勢 Project the burden of dementia 推算老年癡呆症帶來的負擔 Investigate the implications for health social services 探究以上各項趨勢對醫療及社會服務的意義 Prevalence 疾病流行情況 An increasing trend in prevalence of dementia 老年癡呆症個案正在上升


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