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第38 卷第1 期 V ol. 38 N o. 1
20 10 年2 月 JO U RN A L OF ZHEJ IA N G U N IV ERSIT Y OF T E CH N OL O GY F eb. 2010
1 #
, , , , ,
, 310032)
: 顺丙烯膦酸是新型广谱抗菌药磷霉素合成的关键中间体. 研究 Lindlar 催化剂作用下丙二
烯膦酸选择加氢新工艺. 重点考察 溶剂反应温度H 2 压和L indlar 催化剂用量等对选择加氢的
影响. 在溶剂V ( 乙醇) B V 苯) = 1B 1, 反应温度为45 e , 压力为0. 05 MP a, 催化剂用量为底物的
0. 8% 时, 丙二烯膦酸转化率大于99% , 顺丙烯膦酸选择性达95% . L indlar 催化加氢新工艺的选择
性明显优于Pd/ C 催化工艺.
: L indlar 催化剂; 磷霉素; 选择加氢; 顺丙烯膦酸
: R971 . 4 : A : 1006-4 303 2010) 01- 0015- 04
New process for selective catalytic hydrogenation of
1,2-propadieny-l phosphonic acid
F EN G Xiao- ling, H A N L iang, L I Y u-jin, J IA Jian- hong, SH EN G Wei-jian , GA O Jian- rong
St at e K ey Lab orat ory Breeding Base of Green Chemist ry- Synt hesis T echnology ,
Z hejiang U niversit y of T echn ol ogy , H angz hou 310032, Chin a)
Abstract: Cis- 1- Propenyl phosphonic acid is the key int ermediate in the synt hesis of phosphonomycin, a
new broad ant ibact erial drug. T he novel process f or select ive hy dro genat ion of 1, 2- propadienyl-
phosphonic acid w it h Lindlar cataly st w as studied, and t he eff ect s of solv ent , t em perat ur e, H2
pressure and L indlar cat aly st amm ount on t he select ivity w er e invest igat ed. T he conversion o f 1,
2- propadieny-l pho spho nic acid and t he select ivit y of cis- 1- Propeny l phosphonic acid reached 99%
and 95% r espect ively in 50% et hano-l 50% benzene at 45 e , 0 . 05 M P a in t he presence of 0. 8%
Lindlar cat alyst. T he L indlar cataly st sho w ed hig her select ivit y in
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