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2014年职称英语卫生C类阅读理解练习 2014年职称英语考试时间即将公布,本文介绍职称英语卫生C类阅读理解练习,use he or she consumes more calories per day than needed. The only way to lose fat is to 4______the number of calories that you consume per day. This is the basic 5______behind going on a diet. 6______,diets dont work for most people. They do lose weight but then 7______ the diet and put it back. Building a sensible diet and exercise plan is the key to 8______ a consistent weight. You need to figure out how many calories you need in a day and how many you 9______ take in. The next step is to add ,exercise so that you can 10______the number of calories you can consume per day. Exercise charts can show you how many calories different 11______of exercise can burn. Burning 250 or 500 calories per day can 12______a big difference. You can ride an exercise bike while you are watching TV or you can 13______ the stairs instead of the elevator. Find an exercise 14______. Exercise can be a lot easier if there is someone to talk to. Its a good idea to wear firm-fitting clothes if you are on a diet. 15______clothing acts as a reminder of what you are trying to accomplish. 词汇: typical / tipik?l /α. 典型的,有代表性的 calory / k?l?ri / n. 卡路里 consume / k?nsju:m / v. 消耗,消费,耗尽 (燃料、能量、时间等) sensible / sens?bl /α. 明智的,合情理的,切合实际的 consistent / k?nsist?nt /α. 一贯的,始终如一的 reminder / rimaind? / n. 令人回忆起……的东西,提醒……的东西 accomplish/ ?k?mpli? / v. 完成,实现,做成功 注释: 1. ...diets dont work for most people . . . :……节食并不是对大多数人都奏效…… 2. You can ride an exercise bike while you are watching TV or you can…:你可以在看电视的时候骑自行车或者你可以...... 练习: 1. A ticking B beating C running D kicking 2. A properly B appropriately C approximately D effectively 3. A adds B increases C gains D puts 4. A cut off B take down C remove D reduce 5. A way B principle C method D kind 6. A Similarly B Though C Unfortunately D Although 7. A go off B go on C go after D go under 8. A getting B measuring C maintaining D reserving 9. A preferably B actually C consistently D eventually 10. A raise B go


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