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(11)Publication number : 2008-016717 (43)Date of publication of application : 24.01.2008
(51)Int.CI.8 H01L 21/20 2H01L 21/268 2H01L 21/336 2H01L 29/786 2
(21)Application number : 2006-187963 (71)Applicant : MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC CORP (22)Date of filing : 07.07.2006 (72)Inventor : YURA SHINSUKESONO ATSUHIROOKAMOTO TATSUKISUGAHARA KAZUYUKIYAMAYOSHI ICHIJI
(54) MANUFACTURING METHOD OF POLYCRYSTALLINE SILICON FILM (57)Abstract:PROBLEM TO BE SOLVED: To provide a method for manufacturing a polycrystalline silicon film by which uniformity can be improved in crystal grain size of the polycrystalline silicon film formed by laser annealing.SOLUTION: The polycrystalline silicon film is formed by crystallizing an amorphous silicon film of 60 nm or more in thickness which is formed on a substrate by laser annealing, whereby laser with wavelengths of 390 nm to 640 nm (YAG2ω laser, for example) is applied in an atmosphere under an oxygen partial pressure of 2 Pa or less. In this case, an irradiation energy density (for example, within a range Rg of 0.366 to 0.378 J/cm2) of laser is selected so that the average crystal grain size of the polycrystalline silicon film formed by laser annealing may be within a range of 0.28 μm±0.03 μm. The polycrystalline silicon film is manufactured from the amorphous silicon film by performing laser annealing at the selected irradiation energy density. In this way, the polycrystalline silicon film which exhibits a small standard deviation relative value of crystal grain size can be formed and the uniformity of its crystal grain size can be improved. CLAIM + DETAILED DESCRIPTION
[Claim(s)] [Claim 1] It is how to manufacture a polycrystalline silicon film, A process of forming an amorphous silicon film of not less than 60 nm of thickness on a substrate, A crystallization stage which crystallizes said amorphous silicon film and forms a polycrystalline silicon film by l