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2016考研英语写作大作文模板:环境保护   现在距离2016考研还有40天左右的时间,同学们的复习也变得越来越紧张。在2016考研英语方面,不少同学开始背诵范文,根据不同的主题积累写作素材,提高自己的写作表达能力。在准备的过程中,也有不少同学反映面对如此多的写作语料,不知道该怎么构思行文,写出一篇逻辑严谨而又内容充实的英文篇章。本文就来谈一下,如何备考2016考研英语中有关环境保护类型文章,以后笔者会对其他主题类型的文章进行一一撰文,敬请关注。   一般来说,环境保护类的文章分为三个段落,开头段描图,提出问题;中间段落分析产生此问题的原因并提出解决措施,或是论述该问题的危害和解决该问题的必要性,最后段落总结概括,再次重申环境保护的重要性。下面笔者从描图、分析原因并提出解决措施、总结重申主题这几方面进行构思行文,给大家一个写作模板,仅供大家参考。   As is shown in the cartoon,on the boat sit two tourists, enjoying beautiful scenery while unconsciously throwing rubbishes to the lake on which all kinds of garbages float. Simple as the picture is, its symbolic meaning is as deep as ocean, and after a hard and long thought, it can be easily found out that the primary purpose of the drawer is to tell us that due attention should be paid to the environmental pollution.   There is no denying that the quality of our environment has gone to worse due to the fact that people pursue the financial profits or individual comfort at the price of the environment. More and more phenomena, such as the white pollution and fog haze,pose a great treat to our environment. Because environment is closely related to our daily life and social development, we should take steps to protect it. In the first place, to improve people’s environmental awareness is indispensable to environmental protection.We are supposed to get into the habit of do not to leave litter in the public places.In the second place,we can try to ride bicycles or take buses to go to school or work, which can reduce harmful gas.Last but not least,it is high time that the government concerned took proper steps to solve the pollution,such as using the clean energy and making the environmental laws.By doing this can we relieve pollution stress to some extent.   In summary,we still have a long way to go in this problem and accordingly,great efforts are essential to make in order to solve it.I am confident that so long as the whole society makes substantial and sustainable efforts,our environment will


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