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2005 7 Ju ly, 2005 2 1 4 Journal o f S ichuan International Stud ies Un iversity V o.l 2 1 N o. 4 李战子 ( , 2 10 0 17 : 爱丽斯卡普兰的自传法语课将自我的成长经历肢解为法语学习和教学的过程, 其中对语言习 与文化 身份建构的关系的生动展示是语言与文化关系的鲜明个案本文梳理了作品中展现的语言习 过程中所经历的 情感体验, 语言习 与文化身份的建构过程中经历的逃避顺应和超越, 以及作品所建构的两种意义上的关系自 我, 并运用评价理论分析了法语课中的一些主要评价表达, 指出作品中密集的评价表达使它在人际意义的朝向 上极具开放性 : 自传; 法语课; 语言习 ; 文化身份; 评价 : H 313 : A : 100 3- 3831( 2005 04 - 0070 - 05 F rench Lessons: Language A cqu isition, Cu ltural Iden tity and Au tob iography LI Zhanz i A bstrac t: A lice K aplan sF rench Lessons dissects the g row th of herse lf into the pro cess o f F rench lea rning and teaching. T he v iv id revelation o f the relationsh ip bewt een languag e acquisition and cu ltura l identity construction is a typ ica l case o f language and cu lture interac tion. T he paper analyses the em otiona l trajectory in her F rench acqu is ition, and her experiences o f escape, accomm odation and transcendency in the process. It a lso exp lores the re la tiona l se lf in tw o senses. By adopting the appra isal theo ry fram ew ork of func tiona l g ramm ar, the paper focuses on the m a in eva luative expressions in the w ork and comm en ts on the interpersona l openness w h ich results from the dens ity o f the evalua tion. K ey w ord s: autob iog raphy; French Lessons; languag e acqu isition; cultural identity; appra isa l , ,


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