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2009 11 23 11( 119) 薪酬满意度的维度及其 作用研究评述 贺 伟, 龙立荣 (华中科技大学 管理学院, 武汉 430074) : , , , : ; ; ; : F244 : A : 1001- 8409( 2009) 11- 0087- 05 L ite ra tu re o n D im e n s io n a lit an d E f fe c ts o f P a S a t is fa c t io n H E W ei, LONG L i rong (School of M anag em ent, H uazhong Un iv ersity of S cience and Technology, W uhan 430074) Abstra ct: Th is paper firstl reviews the conception and dmi ensionalit of pa satisfaction, and compares the differ ent dmi ensionalities in diverse cultural backgrounds, then it summarizes the relationships between pa satisfaction and outcom es of both individual and organizational level separatel . Lastl , it proposes som e stud direct ions of pa satisfaction in our countr in the future. K ey w ords: compensat ion; pa satisfaction; emplo ee motivation; intrinsic compensation [ 2] , , [ 3] , , , ; , ( Compensation) , , , , , , , , , , , [ 1] , ( Pa Satisfaction) , , M iceli Lane , : 2009- 03- 19 : 国家自然科学基金项目( 7087 1047) : 贺 伟( 1986- ), 男, 湖北宜昌人, 华中科技大学管理学院博士研究生, 研究方 为人力资源管理; 龙立荣( 1963 - )


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