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* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * (1) 宏观方法 ( Classical Method) 连续体(continuum),用宏观物理量描述其状态,其基本规律是无数经验的总结 特点:可靠,普遍,不能任意推广 经典 (宏观,平衡)热力学 classical (macroscopic, equilibrium) thermodynamics 4.工程热力学研究方法 (Study Method) √ 从微观粒子的运动及相互作用角度研究热现象及规律。 Microscopic approach is based on the average behavior of large groups of individual particles 特点:揭示本质,模型近似 微观(统计)热力学 microscopic (statistical) thermodynamics (2) 微观方法(Statistical Method) §0.3 教 学 要 求 Some Requirements for this course 1. Clearly understand and firmly grasp of the basic principles 弄清基本概念,注意每章后的思考题 2. Finish the assignment independently and submit it a week after it is assigned. 独立完成作业,布置作业后的下周按时交 3、Explore your activeness, think hard, attend to discussion in class. 发挥主观能动性,勤于思考,积极课堂讨论, 4、Solve problems as soon as it is discovered 有问题及时解决,不要拖至考试 Problem Solving Technique (解题方法) (1) Problem statement (问题陈述) (2) Schematic (示意图) (3) Assumptions (假设) (4) Physical Laws (物理定律) (5) Properties (物性参数) (6) Calculations (计算) (7) Reasoning, Verification, and Discussion (推理、证明和讨论) Neatness (整洁) Organization (有条理) Completeness (完整) Visual appearance (工整) Requirements for writing form (对作业的要求) 请在布置了作业以后的一周内交作业。 作业得分在C及以下的同学可以重新做好之后 请老师另阅。 Remark on Significant Digits (有效数字) Reporting results should be rounded to three significant digits. (结果保留三位有效数字) It is more appropriate to retain all the digits during intermediate calculations and to do the rounding in the final step. About the Exam 考试成绩 1、Assignment 10% (平时作业10%) 2、Exercise and discussion in class 10% (课堂练习及讨论参与情况 10%) 3、Experiment 10% (实验情况及报告10%) 3、Final Exam 70%( 期末考试70%) 热力学方面获诺贝尔奖的科学家(1) J.D.范.德瓦尔斯 Johannes van der Waals (1837-1923) 荷兰 气体和液体状态方程 1910年诺贝尔物理学奖 热力学方面获诺贝尔奖的科学家(2) M.普朗克 Max Planck (1858-1947) 德国 发现能量子(量子理论) 热力学第二定律 1918年诺贝尔物理学奖 热力学方面获诺贝尔奖的科学家(3) W.H.能斯特 Walther Hermann Nernst (1864-1941) 德国 热化学,熵基准 1920