
B 6, U 2,Reading(高中英语选修六第二单元阅读).ppt

B 6, U 2,Reading(高中英语选修六第二单元阅读).ppt

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StepⅢ scanning the passage What five kinds of English poems does the passage talk about? 天净沙·秋思 马致远 枯藤老树昏鸦, 小桥流水人家, 古道西风瘦马。 夕阳西下, 断肠人在天涯。 Life by Chen Liang competitive imaginative interesting exciting unexpecting full of ups and downs challenge Women ---by Luo Qimin poisonous untruthful crying screaming complaining always wear a mask pretence(虚伪) Enjoy more Tang poems * * * * * Reading POEMS How many poets do you know? Can you remember any poems you have read in school, either in Chinese or in English? What are the characteristics of poems? Can you give me some examples? Poems have beats(节奏). They may rhyme [ra?m] (押韵) or may not rhyme — but they have to have rhythms [r?e?m] (节奏). This beat is not always obvious, but it’s usually there. Rhyme and rhythm are essential to poetry. Without rhythm, there wouldn’t be poems. 有节奏的 (adj.) 节奏 (n.) 韵, 压韵的词 (n.) 压韵 (v.) 诗歌(总称) 诗人 诗歌 poem poet poetry rhyme [ra?m] rhythm [r?e?m] rhythmic [r?em?k] 唐诗分五言,七言。根据韵节来分 英诗可分为单韵诗、双韵诗、三韵诗……至八韵诗。 Why do people write poems? People write poems to tell a story to express feelings to make others laugh to tell the life or friendship to delight the kids to describe the seasons or scenes for entertainment as the lyric[‘l?r?k] (歌词) of a song 1. Do you have a favourite poem in Chinese or in English? Why is it your favourite poem? Chinese Ancient Poets Qu Yuan Du Fu Li Bai 《离骚》 《春望》 《静夜思》 Chinese Ancient Poets Wang Wei Bai Juyi Su Dongpo 《相思》 《草》 《暮江吟》 《念奴娇》 Chinese Modern Poets Guo Moruo 《凤凰涅槃》 Wen Yiduo 《死水》 Ai Qing《大堰河》 Chinese Modern Poets 《雨巷》 Dai Wangsu 《再别康桥》 Xu Zhimo 《致橡树》 Shu Ting A Few simple forms of English Po


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