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6条可以让习惯成自然的方法 Not long ago, my daily life was in really bad shape. I was sleeping anywhere between 3am to 6am on average, and on the really bad days I wouldn’t sleep at all. Because I slept late, I would wake up late. Subsequently, my day would start off late, which meant I was busy “playing catch-up” and being late for my appointments. My diet was horrendous – I was eating lots of junk food and snacks at night to stay awake. It got worse month after month, and I didn’t want to continue on. I needed to revamp my lifestyle! 不久以前,我的生活一塌糊涂。在凌晨3点到6点之间我不定时的睡觉,而在最糟糕的日子里我根本无法入睡。因为睡得晚,所以我起的也晚,然后导致的就是我的一天开始的也晚,这就意味着我的一天都是在赶工作,约会也总是迟到。不仅如此,我吃的东西也让人想象不到——为了熬夜我要吃大量的垃圾食品和零食。这种情况不停的形成恶性循环,我也终于不愿再这么继续下去了,我要彻底改变我的生活方式! I picked out 9 habits I wanted to cultivate for the next 21 days, such as: (1) Sleeping at/before 12am, (2) Waking up at 5am, (3) Reading a book or listening to a podcast at least once a day, (4) Meditating, (5) Being timely for my appointments (6) Even eating a raw food diet! #6 might be a bit of an overkill for some people, but hey – since it was just for 21 days, I thought I might as well try something different for a change. 我挑选了9个接下来的21天我想培养的习惯,比如说:(1)最晚12点一定要睡觉(2)5点钟准时起床(3)至少拿出一天看看书、听听广播(4)沉思(5)约会时提前一点到(6)吃生食。这六条对于有些人来说可能觉得有些受不了,但是又想到只是一个21天的计划,所以我觉得不妨尝试一些更与众不同的。 I’m extremely happy to report that nearly all my habits have stuck. My life has become significantly organized. I wake up early, I get to all my appointments early/on time, I get my work done, I meditate, I’m eating raw, and I sleep on time. Out of the 9 habits, 8 habits stuck, while 1 habit was let go because I realized it wasn’t something I wanted to work on for now. Compared to my previous lifestyle, this has been a total 180 degree turnaround. 当看到我的新习惯一个个都迸发出来后我打心里开心。我的生活瞬间变得井井有条。我每???都起得很早,约会也都准时或者提前到,每天要做的工作都能按时做完,还可以停下来好好反省一下自己,而且我开始吃生食了,并且晚上也能按时睡觉。跟我之前的生活方式比起来,现在可以说是焕然新生,来了个180度大转变。 Some people might think this positive change is exclusive to me, that perhaps I have some incredible determinatio



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