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Reference的三种类型: 从书上引用,从杂志里的文章中引用,从网站引用 1, 从书上引用的ref,格式: 作者名字.年代.书名(斜体).出版社地址: 出版社名 Example: Davidson, M. and Cooper, C. (1992). Shattering The Glass Ceiling: The Woman Manger. London: Paul Chapman. 2, 从杂志里的文章中引用的ref,格式: 作者名字.年代.文章名. 杂志名(斜体): 第几期, 页数 Example: Pringle, J. (2004). Women Senior Managers: Successful Individuals Or Markers Of Collective Change. Women’s Studies Journal, 18, (2), 79-96 3,从网站引用的ref, 格式 作者名字.年代.书名(斜体).Retrieved on年月日. from:网站 Example: Adler, M. (2005). Womens Employment Concentrated In Service Industries. Retrieved on 20th September, 2005 from: t.nz.(注意: 网站另起一行) 二, reference 的注意事项: 1, 如果 reference有两行或两行以上, 从第二行起,向内缩进五到七个字符 Example: Rosener, J. (1995). America’s competitive secret: Utilizing women as a management strategy. USA: Oxford University Press. 2, reference与reference中间要隔一行 3文章名和杂志名:每个单词的首字母大写,虚词除外 4,文章后面列出的所有reference必须与加进文章中的reference一一对应 5, reference做完以后,以作者的首字为准,按字母顺序进行排列 6,一般情况下,1000字,至少四个reference. 这里需要强调一点: 国外治学严谨,reference一定要做好!! 我们的作业严禁直接抄书或从网上直接复制粘贴 (这在国外被界定为抄袭) 国外的学校有强大的数据库,抄袭的地方,数据库一搜就发现了 一旦发现抄袭, 轻则挂科,重则拿不到学位,诚信记录还要被写上一笔 你可以翻译中文 也可以用自己的话把句子转述一遍 但是直接引用和一个句子只改2、3个单词是一样会被判抄袭的! To develop a community profile (社区分布)for one Australian Local Government Area (LGA) of your choice, (excluding the City of Boroondara) using data from the 2001 and 2006 Census available from the ABS website. The focus of the demographic profile will be to describe up to three cultural characteristics of the population within your chosen LGA, and look at changes that have occurred from 2001 to 2006. Examples of cultural characteristics are ancestry, birthplace, language spoken, year of arrival in Australia, religious affiliation, English proficiency, and indigenous status. You are expected to synthesise (综合)the information available, not just replicate (折叠,复制) the tables that you can download. For example, you may choose to group a Census table detailing individual birthplaces into categories, and then show the proportional distributio


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